Skipping transplant?


Well-Known Member
I noticed a lot of growers start their seedlings in dixie cups then transplant 1 or 2 times. I usually skip that transplant and plant them in their final home. It doesn't make sense to transplant at all.. Thoughts?


Well-Known Member
I dont transplant my autos as the life cycle is predetermined and any time wasted on transplant shock is lost time for growth. With photos and most other plants the advantages of transplanting/uppotting are well documented and scientificly proven. Getting a nice tight rootball developed and then expanding the avalible space causes an exponetail growth rate after 3-5days of the transplnt shock. Don't take my word for it. Cut you 2 clones off the same mother once rooted put one straight into its forever pot and the other in a 1 gal and aftet 2-3 weeks uppot to equal size as the other. it and see who is bigger 3 weeks later. Let us know what you find


Well-Known Member
Ah, k. I did not know that. I found that if you put it in a 3 gallon and water towards the edge it causes the roots to rapidly expand faster causing vigorous growth too

Farmer's Hat

Well-Known Member
Growing indoors: I use regular photo seeds. I start in quart pots, wait until sex shows and then transplant the females into their final home. I keep 2-3 males for breeding, kill the rest. I dont like wasting resources on males.

For clones, they go straight into their final pot once they have good roots.

If I grow fem seeds, I would start in a quart pot and then transplant into the final pot once the seedling has 8 mature leaves. I start in small pots and select the most vigorous plants, toss the rest. I make all my seeds, so I have the luxury of being more picky.

Growing outdoors: I start seeds in quart pots and then transplant into the 1gl pot once the seedling has 8 mature leaves. Once sexed, females go into the raised bed that is in the greenhouse. Males remain in 1gl pots, I keep the best ones and kill the rest.

Starting seeds in small pots serves a purpose to growers like myself. If I wasn't interested in breeding and just wanted to grow some good smoke, I would only grow fem seeds or clones and skip the small pot phase. It would be the most practical approach.

Farmer's Hat

Well-Known Member
@Farmer's Hat Cool. What type of strains do you create
Ive been working on one strain since 2015.
I created F4 seeds this year. I call it Valley Ice. Here is my ongoing thread, if you want to know more about it.


Well-Known Member
For me soil is so expensive, I up pot two or three times. Basically the plant, until it proves itself, isn't worth the soil it's in.

Also though not the reason I up pot multiple times I think VA smile is right about good growth by up potting.

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
A lot of good points as stated above. I also transplant twice until the final pot. A dozen 1 gallon containers will take up less room needing a smaller footprint of light during the early stages.


Well-Known Member
For me soil is so expensive, I up pot two or three times. Basically the plant, until it proves itself, isn't worth the soil it's in.

Also though not the reason I up pot multiple times I think VA smile is right about good growth by up potting.
Same for me i dont want my medium sitting saturated for a week between waterings thats just an invitation for bugs plus a waste of nutrients is your salt feeding. I only uppot once solo cup to finishing pot normal a 7gal but im doing 3gals now as im trying to up my plant count but not expand my grow area