Skipping Cooking?

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
I want to go organic.
I need to transplant my grow room plants to larger containers for flowering in the next few days.
My Question:
What would happen if I don't 'cook' the mixture for 30+ days?
Around here we don't have Sunsine mix or worm castings. Mostly stuff from the Homo Depot though I did buy a big bag (bail? 2.8 cubic feet) of 'base' soil from a local nursery today. I was using straight African violet soil and chem nutes. Good results though I want to re-use my soil and taste better buds, build a micro herd.
I plan on using the mix below found on another site.(when this one was down)

Would the plants burn if used un-cooked?
Or should I just use the base soil and chem nutes one more time?
I have everything in the list other than "fritted trace elements" (whatever that is).
Kinda crazy on proportions. Liters, bail, cups, tps, bag.

1 Bale sunshine mix #2 or promix
2 L Bone Meal - phosphorus source
1L Blood Meal - nitrogen source
1 1/3 cups Epsom salts - magnesium source
3-4 cups dolmite lime -calcium source & pH buffering
1 tsp fritted trace elements
1/2 - 1 bag chicken manure (steer, mushroom, etc) - nitrogen & trace elements
- Mix thoroughly, moisten, and let sit 1-2 weeks before use.

Thanks in advance!
It takes time for organic nutrients to break down so that they are usable to the plant. So even if you don't make it to strong the nutrients will not be accessible to the plant.
I would mix light and feed a little along the way. I would order worm castings for a nice tea if I had to, however, keep checking garden centers, I found a worm farm about 40 miles from me. When I need extra I go buy 50lbs. It took me a while but I found them. If there is a fish supply place in you area find out who supplies there worms. Often they cant find a market for casting. Where I bought mine they fill in a gully with the stuff cause no one was buying it.
But hey you work with what you got and do the best you can.
what do you mean by cooking?
Cooking would say 'activate' the microbobes in the soil.

Thanks Snew for the advice.
On my trip to the nurseries I did find a bag with Mycorrhiza which I will pick up tomorrow.
I found castings in my state but a good drive away. I was just thinkng of ordering some small quart bags for a top dress and to make some tea for feed.
THe other thought I have it to order the worm composter unit and grow the worms myself. My outdoor garden would like this as well. I never add any chems to it and it grows some very nice plants each year.
This place has some cool worm stuff.
thats a first, never heard it called cooking, i just brew aact to send active microbes into the soil. aact just keeps your microbes stocked, you may consider brewing tea to feed your plant too. aact does not feed plants adequately on its own.
I would use the base soil and chem nutes *one more time*

You can't skip *cooking*, in the sense that you mix those organic ingredients together they are going to cook whether plants are in there or not. If the plants are in there they will get burnt. Literally. Like a compost pile, when the microbes start breaking things down a good amount of heat is generated, up to 165* or so.

That's why you wait a month or so, for the soil to cool off.
