Skinny Plants II - The Revival


About 10 days ago i posted on here with some pictures of so rather small and sad looking skinny plants (see the before picture). Sadly, most of the seeds turned out to be male and one just died, leaving me with a single plant left. The good news is that after being moved to a high light environment the turn around is quite astonishing (see after 1 and after 2). The plant shown in the after pictures is the plant in the far background in the before picture. I've also included a pic of my sour 13 which is growing beautifully (at around 24 - 26 days). Thanks to all those who shared their advice and made this possible - Peace!

Also if anyone has anymore nuggets of info which you feel may help please let me know. BTW i haven't given these plants any ferts as I included a good hand full of guano and worm casting in the soil mix.

