
Type 1 Diabetic

Well-Known Member
im not a tattoo artist but i am going to school for art right now. everyday we critique art so as i hope you know what i say is to help you not offened. For the most part you draw very well. Some suggestions i hav is to work on the actuall figure. you have a really good understanding of the human body but it does need improvement. i would also practice drawing facial parts. once you really understand those then you will be able to draw anything that deals with the human form. well done though with all the other tattoos. keep drawin and blaze for inspiration


Well-Known Member
im not a tattoo artist but i am going to school for art right now. everyday we critique art so as i hope you know what i say is to help you not offened. For the most part you draw very well. Some suggestions i hav is to work on the actuall figure. you have a really good understanding of the human body but it does need improvement. i would also practice drawing facial parts. once you really understand those then you will be able to draw anything that deals with the human form. well done though with all the other tattoos. keep drawin and blaze for inspiration
Thanks for the input!
no im not offended critism is always welcome it helps me improve :-P

ill also be going art school in sept cant wait :)


Well-Known Member
Hello there..
I am a freelance tattoo artist and ur art is ok but i would say keep working on ur art skill before u start tattooing..seems like ur perception is off..its one thing that u really need to have while tattooing.. tattooing is alot diff from drawing on paper..u have to take alot of things in to is needle depth..which gage to use for men and women..what to color with wat to line with how to shade..and mostly is to have a steady hand..i would suggest if u dont already have one get a tattoo machine.."never call it a tattoo gun" ppl in the tattoo business really frown on that term. i have faith that u can do it if u really put ur mind to it..but hey we all need a dream. right? well good luck in ur task to be a tattoo artist hope it all goes well.. but remember one thing.. practice practice practice..


Well-Known Member
dude im not going to start tattooing yet or on my my post im looking for an apprenticeship!

but thanks for the support :D