Six weeks old, what do you think

One plant is taller with more branches than leaves, this one is Kalie Mist, the other one is shorter and with more leaves, this one is Skunk-Haze. Both plants were raised the same, in my closet under a mini sunburst light.
I wish I had a better system buy it is what it is. At six weeks, how much longer would you let them veg?

Love, peace, and high times for all...



Well-Known Member
One plant is taller with more branches than leaves, this one is Kalie Mist, the other one is shorter and with more leaves, this one is Skunk-Haze. Both plants were raised the same, in my closet under a mini sunburst light.
I wish I had a better system buy it is what it is. At six weeks, how much longer would you let them veg?

Love, peace, and high times for all...
It's your call. You determine when you want flower. A lot of folk flower based on the space they have to work with, some have various growing techniques to take advantage of their systems, where they may flower a lot of smaller plants in a sea of green operation. Some flower when they believe the plant has reached it size potential.

However keep in mind that the yield is relative to the health (your care for her) and development (her genetic potential) of your plant.

I see you like soil and 5 gallon you should get about 5 feet without transplanting her. I use soil in cloth containers 3 and 5 gallon and set them inside my 5 gallon bucket filled with water and silica rocks. It's called passive hydro. I used base organic in the 3 gallon then transfer to 5 gallon cloth of super soil.

Check out my baby at 9 weeks and 12 weeks. I would get a better light and keep it a little closer to help them get bushy..
Someday maybe for my birthday, I'll get a better light. For now I will lower the light a bit and put the shorter plant on something to bring it up to the same height as the other.
You guys are so nice, thanks


Well-Known Member
One plant is taller with more branches than leaves, this one is Kalie Mist, the other one is shorter and with more leaves, this one is Skunk-Haze. Both plants were raised the same, in my closet under a mini sunburst light.
I wish I had a better system buy it is what it is. At six weeks, how much longer would you let them veg?

Love, peace, and high times for all...
Go for it. They are big enough to do well. Next time veg longer but you'll know more by then.