Six Seedlings growing together in one flower pot, possible? or not?


Active Member
Ok, well I had this Crazy Idea k? I only have room for about four pots, i have six seedlings each about an inch tall, I have One flower pot 10 inches in Diameter. I put all SIX Sprouts in the pot in a Pentagram pattern. Hopefully if this works which I have a pretty good feeling it will the Plant will do what i call Meld together, or Bush together. If I take to utmost attention and Care of these SIX plants in ONE pot, I believe I can pull it off and grow them to the Budding phase. can U imagine the amount of Bud from what looks like One plant? Imagine how much room u can save. imagine 4 pots with Six plants each! crazy right? we'll see, cuz im doin it!!! Anywayz if any one knows if this is even possible or has tried it themselves please reply. i'll keep posted with up dtes and take a pic later. C'ya.
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Well-Known Member
I think ur just high right now, but good luck. I dont think it will work like you think. To many plants fighting for light, nutes, space, ect...


Active Member
Due to the spacing, my plants as they mature will have a meshed root system, thus they will equally be fed, as for the light, like a Bonsai tree's twisting branches, so too will i direct their paths to the light, so all may partake. As for me being High, im not. I just invent and develope, Improve and Manipulate, Always searching for an easyer way. A better way.

Well-Known Member
yeah great idea, untill you get a male and cant pull them apart and hav babepot plants in ur buds ready to blow up and kill us all.

also they will cease growth due to lack of food and room to grow biggest plant will take all the water and stuff and nutes away from soil thats what happend to my banana tree


Well-Known Member
yea thats not going to work , i got 4 plants in a 10 gal tub and im about to take some out just because there isent room , now your pot is 10cm thats maybe enough to germ them and sprout but other than that just keep one plant in a pot if you dont have the pots for 6 plants just grow 4


Well-Known Member
Id try to seperate them if its not too late already. Those roots will become entagled in no time. If you only have room for 4 pots, then 4 is all should grow, pick the best ones and ditch the rest. You would rather have 4 nice plants than 6 not so nice ones right?


Active Member
Ahh yes, I forgot about the male plant.... hmm.... I really dont want seeds. as for the space, once they out grow a 10 gallon I will plant them in the ground outside. As for the comment about One plant being bigger than the rest and hogging everything, I have a water system in place that is cmprised of Six spike that let out water/Fertilizer IN the dirt, so each root base will get nut/h20. Come'on guy's be Optimistic, i will take pics, today.


Well-Known Member
if you grow them out small it might not be bad, it would probably work alright doing clones with sorta a SOG type method, but if your not gonna grow them big then 16 or 20oz cups would be sufficent


Well-Known Member
I wish u would listen... instead you really beleive that your going to have a jungle of weed in a 3 gallon pot with 6 plants?....nevermind were the crazy ones....


Active Member
No, im gonna grow them together yes, in one big Clump, but i will also transplant them into bigger contianers as they get bigger.


Well-Known Member
dude stop being a idiot. u act like u cant just snip the motherfucker off if u get a male. cut em down and u dont have to deal with it no more..


Active Member
Hey, I have a good idea, Imma get them all growin and prove you all wrong. Then I'll post pics, Before and after.


Well-Known Member
yeah u need to do that. and when i have my beautiful other babies that im gonna be growing with 2 in each pot i help u prove em wrong =D