Simpson oil results for Cancer Patients... My study


I am a caregiver, grower here in Michigan. I have a patient with Late Stage 4 colon cancer that had spread to the liver, she is 52 years old. She was healthy and worked in a factory 40 plus hours a week. She had stomach issues and was treated for an ulcer. weeks later she was admitted into the hospital and told she had late stage 4 cancer and she needed to start treatment asap. It took a few weeks for insurance to get rolling and during this time she found every excuses in the book to put off taking the oil. She waited until just before she started chemo on a small dose. To make a long story short she very quickly got what they call chemo brain. In a short time she lost 40lbs I checked her oil and her dosing was way too little and she was very confussed about everything so I started putting about .02 grams of oil in a capsule and her parents made sure she remembered to take it twice a day on time, once in the am and once in the pm she claimed to never feel the effects of the oil but who really knows she was so sick from the chemo.. Keep in mind the doctors said at the most she could live one to three years. One of the counts from the blood work came back at 40,000 when she started the oil. The doctor claimed it was the highest he had seen. After a month of slowly increasing the oil the number dropped to 2300 and the docs were astonished and said this fast of recovery was not expected. Unfortunately a few days later she was rushed into emergency surgery the tumor had caused a complete blockage and she was close to death. They didnt think she would come off the ventalater but she did and went back one the oil as soon as she returned home 1 week later. We increased the dose again to about .035 grams 3 times a day and watched her move out of her parents house and back to her own home able to take care of herself again. The chemo had been stopped until further notice and after a week she was doing pretty well. About 3 weeks of no chemo and about 15 grams of oil or so she was able to go out with us to the bar for a couple hours or to dinner and learning to live with a new bag on her side after the surgery. She just did her first round of Chemo again last week and managed to get through it ok and is still living by herself. After the surgery they said the tumor in the colon had not shrunk but the tumors in the liver were shrinking.

here is what I think about, before the surgery the colon was blocked and she pretty much vomited everything up but now there is no blockage maybe her body is able to absorb the oil better and she is taking a gram a day. That is my hope. Her lastest blood work as of Nov 1st came back PERFECT I hope that is a sign of good things to come.

I think the oil is making a huge difference but there is no way to know at this point. I wish now I had kept better records but the truth is I just focused on getting as much oil down her as we could. she recently ask me how much oil she had taken and how much longer would she have to take it? I responded "I have no idea and you have to take the oil until the cancer is gone" she smiled and said that sounds like a plan to me. Last night she sang some Karaoke and had a little fun with friends and family.

Please feel free to leave a comment but I want to keep this thread about oil helping people. I am an established professional grower and I make my own oil. If there is someone who needs help I want to help them so lets keep the thread about that. i will keep you posted on my patient
Commendable thing you are doing man. I had a family member recently pass at the age of 28 due to colon cancer. I wish she I could've been in the position to supply her with Simpson Oil. Keep up the good work.
Notice how there are only 2 comments? When I post a picture of a one pound plant I get all kinds off comments. I would really like to gather enough evidence that I can confidently say Cannabis cures cancer and I have seen it with my own eyes. I think maybe my next post will be on how it actually works on cancer.
I am a caregiver, grower here in Michigan. I have a patient with Late Stage 4 colon cancer that had spread to the liver, she is 52 years old. She was healthy and worked in a factory 40 plus hours a week. She had stomach issues and was treated for an ulcer. weeks later she was admitted into the hospital and told she had late stage 4 cancer and she needed to start treatment asap. It took a few weeks for insurance to get rolling and during this time she found every excuses in the book to put off taking the oil. She waited until just before she started chemo on a small dose. To make a long story short she very quickly got what they call chemo brain. In a short time she lost 40lbs I checked her oil and her dosing was way too little and she was very confussed about everything so I started putting about .02 grams of oil in a capsule and her parents made sure she remembered to take it twice a day on time, once in the am and once in the pm she claimed to never feel the effects of the oil but who really knows she was so sick from the chemo.. Keep in mind the doctors said at the most she could live one to three years. One of the counts from the blood work came back at 40,000 when she started the oil. The doctor claimed it was the highest he had seen. After a month of slowly increasing the oil the number dropped to 2300 and the docs were astonished and said this fast of recovery was not expected. Unfortunately a few days later she was rushed into emergency surgery the tumor had caused a complete blockage and she was close to death. They didnt think she would come off the ventalater but she did and went back one the oil as soon as she returned home 1 week later. We increased the dose again to about .035 grams 3 times a day and watched her move out of her parents house and back to her own home able to take care of herself again. The chemo had been stopped until further notice and after a week she was doing pretty well. About 3 weeks of no chemo and about 15 grams of oil or so she was able to go out with us to the bar for a couple hours or to dinner and learning to live with a new bag on her side after the surgery. She just did her first round of Chemo again last week and managed to get through it ok and is still living by herself. After the surgery they said the tumor in the colon had not shrunk but the tumors in the liver were shrinking.

here is what I think about, before the surgery the colon was blocked and she pretty much vomited everything up but now there is no blockage maybe her body is able to absorb the oil better and she is taking a gram a day. That is my hope. Her lastest blood work as of Nov 1st came back PERFECT I hope that is a sign of good things to come.

I think the oil is making a huge difference but there is no way to know at this point. I wish now I had kept better records but the truth is I just focused on getting as much oil down her as we could. she recently ask me how much oil she had taken and how much longer would she have to take it? I responded "I have no idea and you have to take the oil until the cancer is gone" she smiled and said that sounds like a plan to me. Last night she sang some Karaoke and had a little fun with friends and family.

Please feel free to leave a comment but I want to keep this thread about oil helping people. I am an established professional grower and I make my own oil. If there is someone who needs help I want to help them so lets keep the thread about that. i will keep you posted on my patient

Marijuana was one of he most widely prescribed products by North American physicians before it was banned. In 34 years in medicine I am firm believer in naturopathic and homeopathic modalities in preference to "traditional" medicine and all the chemical medications. Good on you for your concern and care rendered.
The only way to make sure you get good quality oil is to make it yourself. The stuff you buy is normally not what it is claimed to be, typically it is made from shake or sugar leaves a by-product growers use to make a little extra cash. Now for the price of oil. I use %99 alcohol and if you shop it you can probably get it for around $20 a gallon and that is enough for 1 pound of QUALITY DRIED bud. This will make about 2oz lets say 50 grams on the low side. 1 pound of bud wholesale cost here $3200ish......... 50 grams X $64 = $3200. So $64 a gram is what it takes to make it if you have to buy the bud. I can make 2oz of oil in about 2 hours. Please be careful all oil is not created equal, people do this to make money so if it comes to life or death do not trust just anyone. If the oil is not made using proper solvent it can harm you. I hear of people make oil from coleman fuel and that scares me so bad. It will only take a one person to die from eating contaminated oil (or it not be oil at all) and years of progress with the actual medical movement will be destroyed. Anyone wants to know how to make it i will walk you through it. Keep in mind 2oz is enough to cure most terminal cancer.
11-12-12 I just got a text message from her saying that her blood work came back Perfect again today!! I will keep praying and posting and maybe do a video if she feels up to it
Moving thread from Nutrients section to somewhere it can get proper visibility. Keep us up to date on the oil progress as well. Rick Simpson says that folks shouldn't take chemo as it fights the progress of the oil. Also, here is a forum dedicated to Hemp Oil as well, I encourage you to copy and paste your story there so other folks can see. Thanks for posting this
This is a very inspiring thread ehaz. I had not heard of Simpson Oil before this. I was aware cannabis had been linked with cancer treatment, but not the specifics. This is something I will certainly research; thank you for sharing such a striking example of what may be possible.
You are a great person. World could use more like you. I am sure we've all had someone close go through a battle with cancer so to see someone willing to do whatever they can to make the person more comfortable will put a smile on many faces.
Ok guys guts it been a while but I am going to make a long story short. Wendy is doing great she just had a c/t scan and blood work done last week and here is where we are. Her blood work came back great the cancer count that started at over 30,000 is now less than 100. All the tumors in her liver are shrinking and they didn't even mention the softball size tumor that was in her colon. She is now talk about getting her colostomy bag reversed. I am not going to lie and tell you she took 60 grams in 90 days which is Rick Simpsons suggestion, I am going to tell you I gave her as much oil as I could get her to take from the moment I could until current. I am going to guess about .5 gram a day for several months. As a care give here in michigan sometimes its hard to get some patients what they need medicinally and stay within the laws.