Silver coin


Active Member
I have been researching Colloidal Silver.

It is anti bacteria, fungal, viral, etc.

From what I gather it used to be a mainstream medicine, but now we use antibiotics because its more profitable for the people who market the drugs.

I just did a google on "silver coin milk" this is in the top 5:

"The pioneers who traveled west would put silver coins in their water barrels to keep the water from spoiling. Back before there was refrigeration, people would put a silver coin in their milk jugs to keep the milk fresh longer.

These days we have no REAL silver coins in circulation. But you can buy "Silver Rounds" from any coin store. A "silver round" is one measured ounce of 99.9% silver. It's cast to look something like a silver dollar. These days they cost under $20, but can be used over and over again.

Real silver is a natural germ fighter. In tests, silver has kept milk fresh for 2 - 10 extra days. A Silver Round can also be put into water dispensers to keep not only the water fresh but also the spout clean. Keep milk and water fresh the natural way, by putting a 99.9 % silver round in your storage containers.

By Cyinda from Seattle"

and more interestingly by far.... I found many links like these two:

I have recently learnt that for hundreds if not thousands of years we have known that silver is disease resistant. That's why children have silver eye drops/spoons at birth because its associated with strong healthy growth.

Through-out history as far back as the Romans, or further, it was known that disease could not be transmitted by sharing a silver cup.

It seems to be that indeed silver may be useful in preventing root rot, which is very relevant to me because I just lost my Aquafarm Chronic Plant this dirty monster.

Unfortunately, my brain is only so big and I have trouble doing research in an area where no man has gone before. I am going crazy trying to work out if its worth buying a lump of silver and throwing it in my nutrient tank.

If anyone who is capable of reading those University Experiment Journal could make sense of it for me, perhaps hint towards what they mean by "silver-coated cloth" or if its worth me going down this route or not.

Thank you very much :)


Well-Known Member
Im pretty sure silver is only used to impress girlfriends and kill vampires...
Haha, seriously though, I think you may be over-thinking this one a little bit.


Well-Known Member
Just like copper is used to deter growth on boats,
Silver will work up to a point.
A cool rez is still the better solution.

If you use the silver
be sure and document your grow,
I would love to see how it works for you.

You may find you have "metal toxicity"
due to the pH needed for hydro.
I just don't know.

I have had some brass fittings in my system
and not noticed that it caused any problems.

I know that copper is not acceptable.
It will cause problems.

Love pioneers and test pilots,
good luck.


Active Member
Just like copper is used to deter growth on boats,
Silver will work up to a point.
A cool rez is still the better solution.

If you use the silver
be sure and document your grow,
I would love to see how it works for you.

You may find you have "metal toxicity"
due to the pH needed for hydro.
I just don't know.

I have had some brass fittings in my system
and not noticed that it caused any problems.

I know that copper is not acceptable.
It will cause problems.

Love pioneers and test pilots,
good luck.
It does interest me to find out how well this approach could work, but with temperatures above 26 degrees, Silver is going to be at least second best!

I would enjoy experimenting with the silver yet, but I have ordered a chiller for the imminent summer months.

The Resun CL85 from eBay China, the smallest one I could find for my 20L res.

I also picked up an Ozone generator

I have considered using Ozone on my reservoir for 10 minutes per day instead of my usual enzymes / beneficial organisms

It could save money, as well as increasing the DO levels.

Only problem is I there is much controversy on the subject, especially in working out, what the optimum balance is.

I need to sterilize the solution, but must also avoid oxidizing the more delicate nutrients like Iron and Manganese.

I believe it is possible.

Perhaps this could be another overlooked method of controlling plant disease?

Would love to hear your thoughts.

I will be opportunistic with the silver approach, honestly right now I am trying to secure my finances so that I can have some dentistry removed!

"Metal Toxicity" is a bitch! Last thing I need is having to buy lots of street weed when I could be healing and growing.
