Silly Question Maybe?



I am thinking about starting my first grow with greenhouse autofem big bang seeds however this post is not realted to that. (just thought id throw it in the mix)

I was looking at cheese seeds but when it talks about growing it says needs support. Does this mean like put bamboo shoot next to it or something?

Confused my mind



Well-Known Member
yep, or something similar.

doesn't matter what you use really.. it boils down to whatever works best for the situation at hand my friend.

So really, its whatever you prefer to use.. to give the plant support when and if it needs it.



Well-Known Member
haha, pretty funny manufacturer's recommendations, IMHO. I've never grown a plant that needed a support hot line or bamboo joint. I guess that is a lanky plant strain and your buds will flopp over and pinch a branch without support. Ever try growin' some Grinspoon? I would love to get some sativa like that

kevin murphy

New Member
im growing dready cheese and the buds on it look sikkk its a nice plant but ive no smoke report apart from what i see hope that helps a little...stop by any time if you like ...