Signs of Fowering


Hey everyone, i recently started flowering my first set of children and im very excited. i used lst and so far its coming along great

my question is about how long will it be until signs of sex are showing, i have noticed a great difference in a matter of a couple days and im interested to know how long i should wait to expect signs of sex

there are 4 plants under a 125w cfl with 3 27w bulbs for supplementing light where needed

i know generally what to look for. but it looks like all of the plants have hairs around the nodes.. i dont want to be naive and think that theyre all females because i grew from seeds out of old bags so im pumped that theyre going this well.. i unfortunatly do not have pics to share but any help with a time frame would be greatly appreciated

smoke one ;]


Well-Known Member
unlucky, in the grow room nude, ayy

your not an overweight nerd in your moms basement pretending to be a girl are you?