Sickly Growth - Comparison Photo - Whats Wrong?


So I am in the middle of my second grow and I have run into quite a snag.

This young lady is a clone of my first plant. She is 6 weeks old (4 veg, 2 flower) and has been highly abused. Lemme give you some history.

With my first plant and newly cut clones, I adhered to the 2-inches-deep-dry-before-watering method strictly and life was good. Towards week 5 or 6 I began to water and nute wayyy wayyy too much. My first plant ended up nute burning pretty bad toward the end of her life but still gave a decent harvest. I also burned the hell outta my clones (now 3 weeks old) and have put them on the mend since.

2 or 2 and a half weeks ago I began to flush the salty soil with clearex once or twice a week in order to try and get rid of the toxic salt building up (nute lock). I just yesterday gave her her first small taste of nutes since she began to burn.

For comparison, the first picture is a picture of my first plant at the same stage in her life.... The difference is nuts...

So what do you think is wrong? Over/Underwatering?, Over/Undernuting, root rot?

p.s. the soil is Fox farm ocean forest, tha good shit
shouldn't be heat stress, the top of the plant is at around 85 degrees and my last plant was at 90.

I am just gonna keep up the thee day dry schedule with very light nutes for a while...

any help>???
You are doing nutes every other watering right? Also, clones and seeds do not need nutes for 2-3 weeks from planting. And I know people talk about Fox Farm being too hot for seeds, but I don't know about clones--it's something to consider though. I use FF also, but only after transplanting. I start seeds and clones in Jiffy pellets. What kind of nutes are you using? If Fox Farm, do half of the recommended dose because their feeding schedule is a little high for marijuana plants.