Sick plants please help! Flowering week 3


Well-Known Member
Well, this is the political forum so most likely it's either Obama or Congress's fault.

I'll give it a shot but hopefully somebody else in here will come along to correct my advice if wrong. By the claw look on the leaves you are feeding enough, your issue appears to be a nutrient deficiency that could be caused by improper PH. When I first started growing I had a plant that looked like that but 2 others that looked fine. Some plants are more sensitive to PH issues than others. I had high alkalinity water that was causing a nutrient lockout. I replanted into better soil and bought a little counter top RO filter. The new growth will show the improvement, the old growth won't. The best advice I read here was fixing the problem is the most important thing, figuring out the why is secondary (helps to not repeat it). Repotting fixes a lot of our mistakes.

This forum is pretty amazing for plant help. So hopefully somebody with more experience than me will come along. A mod will eventually move this to the right section and you'll get better help. Good luck man.


Well-Known Member
that is either mag or n def looks more like mag tho..depending on your soil and nute line you really cant get a ph problem its soooooo hard to have ph be your problem in dirt because most of these things are already ph balanced...give it time before you say you didnt correct it because as the guy above said the damaged leaves will never return to normal you have to watch the new growth to see if you corrected the problem


Well-Known Member
also just looked at another pic and man not to be a downer but you should have larger buds by 3 weeks...what is your nutes lights blah blah because i cant tell what your doing wrong without more info..for all i know thats a sativa in which case it might not be behind at all
also just looked at another pic and man not to be a downer but you should have larger buds by 3 weeks...what is your nutes lights blah blah because i cant tell what your doing wrong without more info..for all i know thats a sativa in which case it might not be behind at all
Thank you for your time. It's small I know I don't know why I flower under 1000k I have 7 of them I placed 9 plants per lights in 7 gallon I get 1and a half pound per lights I took the the glass of the hoods the xxxl I have a completely sealed room I use a 3 2andhalf ton A/C my nutes are house of garden soil a/b , great white,Pro-teckt,multizen,bud xl,ultra, phat,nutz,super thrive,bud candy ,becuz,hydroplex,CalMag, and m.o.a.b at the end,and I use R/O water


Well-Known Member
The good news is that this is probably the nicest you will ever be treated here .... LOL!


Well-Known Member
Sorry I'm new I know wrong forum
It's OK, you can do it. I can show you some plant nutrition problems. Just see my journal from last year.

Most of us are pretty cool but only a few get passioned and takes sides. (but many will insult the perfect stranger, a sign of the times?)

See you in the other threads. Good luck.


Active Member
Are those autoflowering plants? Only ask 'cuz I see the cups with babies vegging in the background...?

Did you flush them between Veg & Flower when you switched the nutes? Do you follow a chart for their feeding schedule?
IMO- Flush, then after they drain, add in flowering nutes at the level they need for the week of flower (not 12/12) they are in... and add a bit of extra Micro-nutes. ;)


Well-Known Member
No sweat Bigbudz and welcome. Besides, your first post on a pot forum being in the wrong place has a sort of symbiotic rightness to it:eyesmoke:

Mine was definitely bad water. My water supply is a community shared man made lake. Water softeners and "purifiers" are added before it even gets to my house. I don't know your situation though, was just offering a possibility. No matter what caused the issue the easiest way I've found is to replant into good soil first, and remember it's a weed, it doesn't need as much help as we think. Again, I'm only speaking from my experience and many here dwarf mine so take it for what it's worth, I used to make things worse by trying to "fix" a plant by adding things in attempts for balance. I kept outsmarting myself and causing more damage. To protect me from myself I switched to supersoil and RO water about 2 and 1/2 years ago and now I stick a bean in dirt and water it when it needs it and cut down a few months later. I highly recommend you visit these two sections.

Also, if you have time to kill, any post or thread by a poster here named Uncle Ben is a must read. He changed my entire growing mentality.
one of my favorites


Well-Known Member
We are symbolically right to discuss this...:) My problems, cleared up too, after I got that water softener water, through an RO set.


Well-Known Member
lol ill admit im guilty of being a dick sometimes but sometimes people say things that hit the spot and i cant help it :wall: most of the time i think im helpful though..anyway hopefully you got a few other ideas of what to double check here i say you maybe add more things than you need to but to each his own on that so i would stay the course and feed a little extra mg next feeding and see what happens, watch that new growth!


Well-Known Member
and here we have someone happy to be a dick now...apparently english is harder than using this site since he can do that but he cant spell isnt :dunce:

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
I've try to find the problem my self,I thought I wasn't giving enought magnesium so I did but it's not working I need help
those plants need calcium magnesium and nitrogen.

the tiger striping is a sure sign of magnesium deficiency, the overall paleness is lack of nitrogen, and a little calcium is helpful in magnesium uptake.

also, this should be in plant problems, since these plants clearly understand that "Libertarian Socialism" is an oxymoron.
No sweat Bigbudz and welcome. Besides, your first post on a pot forum being in the wrong place has a sort of symbiotic rightness to it:eyesmoke:

Mine was definitely bad water. My water supply is a community shared man made lake. Water softeners and "purifiers" are added before it even gets to my house. I don't know your situation though, was just offering a possibility. No matter what caused the issue the easiest way I've found is to replant into good soil first, and remember it's a weed, it doesn't need as much help as we think. Again, I'm only speaking from my experience and many here dwarf mine so take it for what it's worth, I used to make things worse by trying to "fix" a plant by adding things in attempts for balance. I kept outsmarting myself and causing more damage. To protect me from myself I switched to supersoil and RO water about 2 and 1/2 years ago and now I stick a bean in dirt and water it when it needs it and cut down a few months later. I highly recommend you visit these two sections.

Also, if you have time to kill, any post or thread by a poster here named Uncle Ben is a must read. He changed my entire growing mentality.
one of my favorites
Thank's a lot it's amazing how much help u can get here on this forum I didn't know that. I use ro water to I didn't double check the ppm of my water and I was a 300 oops got the change the filter hopefully it wold solve my problem thank you for your time