Sick plant - please help.


I, for the life of me cannot figure out how this damn site works. I can't find my way around, it's not easy to get to the info i'm looking for, (i actaully have to leave this site and search for things on google) i can't pm other members and it's frustrating me to no end. Please help. and don't tell me to read any stickies cuz i don't know what they are or where to find them. It's my first time to a site like this, so i'm totally lost. Am i the problem or is this just a TERRIBLE site?. I have plants half way thru flowering and i need some serious help. Now, if you'll excuse me I have to go scream into a pillow for an hour.


as for the plants i have some that seemsto have a nitrogen overload and some that seem to be so deficient that they are staring to die. i feed them all the same thing every other water. they are grown in soil. ill get some pics on here as soon as i figure out how to do that. lol. as for the site i just have a hard time finding what im looking for. i have no clue what im doing. need to know what stickies are and how to find them. i can obviously make a thread, and i know where to find my alerts but thats about it.


Global Moderator
Staff member
Upper left hand corner of your screen you'll see a large "Forum" button - hit that & it will show all the sub-forums. Pick one that interest's you and the first couple of threads will have a red "push pin" on them indicating that the thread was deemed helpful enough to be made into a sticky.

Here, try this to get you started.


Global Moderator
Staff member
learnin how to post pics and will hopefully have them up within the hour.
At the bottom of your screen (where you are typing now) you will see a "More options" button - when you hit that, at the bottom of that input box you will see "upload a file" button.
After you've uploaded your pic, you can then choose between making it a thumbnail or full size. Once you've done one or the other you can hit "Reply to thread".

See how easy this is? :cool:

BTW, I took the liberty of putting this thread into the concentrates & extracts forum and I changed the title to see if we could get you some more answers.


Well-Known Member
In regards to your thread title, i wish you the best of luck to sucess with BHO, its pretty easy and an art for me. I would just like to share 1 thing though, you must be outside or in an extremly well ventilated area with absolutely no electronics or combustable items near by. No cell phones, no lighters, definetly no flame of any type around your area, refrigerators, oven, water heaters, microwaves ect MUST be unplugged if you end up doing this indoor, which i highly reccomend against. Also, if you cant vac purge , then i wouldnt even attempt to take that dab without being vac purged properly.