Sick-Looking Seedlings - Possibly Burnt


New Member
Yesterday, it reached 96 degrees F and my five 4 day old seedlings were outside in the sun. I accidentally forgot to water them that morning and when I returned home to immediately go water them, they were very dry and had drooped over. Now they look bent. I took them into the partial shade. The temperature has dropped so they haven't experienced any hot temps like that since, and I have been watering them consistently and well. Still I am worried. Did they get burnt beyond recover? Did something else occur? What if anything can I do to remedy the situation? Please help.
Pics of 4/5 >>> Seedling4.jpgSeedling3.jpgSeedling2.jpgSeedling1.jpg


Well-Known Member
They are premature....too much light and water. Put growing media over them gently and spray a tiny mist.......LEAVE THEM ALONE.


New Member
Thanks for the feedback. I am going to try to save these, and if it doesn't work out, I can get more seeds for free so it's not a huge problem. A couple more questions.... If I keep the plants around 73 degrees inside near a window is that a better environment for its current state? Also, what grow medium should I use? It's currently in organic miracle grow, but it sounds like that might not be great to use until the plants are larger.


Active Member
I had that same panic with my seedling a month ago. I ended up freaking out and thinking they werent getting enough water...Like the others said...LEAVE THEM ALONE...You will be surprised


Well-Known Member
it reached 96 degrees F and my five 4 day old seedlings were outside in the sun
And now they are dead. Best not to raise seedlings outdoor in summer, its ok in spring. Start again under cfls for 2 weeks then slowly harden them off.