Shroomy cake pic


Well-Known Member

Gone into the fruiter this week. I'll update when there's noticeable improvement (likely in 2-3 weeks).

PS: For those who may wonder why I'm fruiting the cake before it seems to be completely colonized is because it began to sweat alot on the inside of the jar (bowl in this case) and it wasn't spreading much anymore so I decided to play it safe. The cake's still pretty solid though and held together well by the mycelium. It's such a beautiful thing - the mycelium. Even if I got nothing out of the cakes, I'd still love the experience of having been able to watch the mycelium colonize... although I do hope to get something decent from the cake.


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Well-Known Member
if you know what you're doing and have a good fruiting chamber, you'll have something to update in a week or less. 2-4 days you'll have hyphal knots, 5-8 days you'll have pins, ~10 (maybe less) days you'll harvest.


Well-Known Member
Hmm awesome... I seem to prefer your idea reality better than mine when it comes to the length of time it'll take :P... I read somewhere that cakes may not do anything for up to 2-3 weeks when they're placed in the fruiting chamber hm.. perhaps I missunderstood...

This is the second time I'm growing; first time with any success getting to this stage. I'm airing out the chamber daily, and misting as well to keep the humidity up. My fruiting chamber is essentially an upside down clear (frosty) water pitcher. The yellow thingy you see the cake and perlite sitting in in the photo is actually the lid of the pitcher.
It gets decent indirect sunlight throughout the daylight hours but not enough to disturb the cakes.

I'll post a pic of the fruiting chamber all together tonight when I air it out and let it breathe a bit.

Any addition tips, comments, advice or constructive criticism would be great and are always appreciated.
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Well-Known Member
Did you dunk your cakes after birthing? I'm toying with dunking them since I've read on shroomery that it helps increase the amount that you harvest. Just wondering.


Well-Known Member
No I didn't dunk them, I never heard of the idea of dunking them after birthing; only after flushes.
Even so though, I wouldn't have dunked this cake in particular because the mycelium seemed to refuse to wrap itself around the entire cake so just incase it was a little weaker inside, I wouldn't want it to fall apart underwater lol.


Well-Known Member
true. I read your post and the posted my question after reading through a few more so I forgot that your mycelium is being wack. yeah, ive been doing some reading and people are suggesting 12-24 hours dunk in water in the fridge after birthing to rehydrate the cakes. And then sometimes dunking between flushes. I think i may do a few cakes this way and few cakes normal and see the results for myself.


Well-Known Member
nice good luck and let us know how that works out for you :)

on another, but similar note, i was obviously really really baked last night and totally forgot to take a photo of the fruiting chamber when i was airing it out last night lol... i'll try to remember tonight. sorry about that.


Well-Known Member
Sweet I just saw the first shroomm growing! I didn't see any signs of it coming though, it just popped out of nowhere, so I'm hoping it's not the only one cause I don't see any signs of others coming out yet. IT's about 1 inch long already; that's between last night and tonight.


Well-Known Member
haha woot, sorry about that i kept getting really baked at night and immediately after i put the cake back i'd be like, DAMN i forgot to take a pic. anyways there's two shrooms now, i checked this morning, i'll leave myself a note to take a photo tonight :)
it'll likely be past 1am ET :)


Well-Known Member
Well I didn't get a shot of the cake last night since I couldn't find the camera, but I did manage to get a photo - about 20 minutes ago - of my NEW fruiting chamber. My last one was essentially an upside down water pitcher, but this one's literally just a plastic container with a lid, upside down. I had found it in the house so decided to use it. It gives the shrooms more space on all sides to grow; about an extra 1-2 inches. Of course I put some damp perlite in the bottom again.

Anyways here's a pic of the new chamber, I'll try to get pics of the shrooms tonight.

By the way now there's seven -- seven mushrooms! :hump:



Well-Known Member
damn man that sucks.
you can probably even get some legal edible mushrooms to grow though; they probably grow similarly (?) not sure about that though you'd have to check around, and then you can actually eat them too :) lol

i just checked on them again this morning, well, around 12:30pm (15 minutes ago) when i woke up and the largest one's already 4 1/2 inches long! i dont like the way it's growing sloppily and won't hold itself up, it's eventually just gonna break off of the cake one day when i have to close the container, it's just gnona be too long! lol
i'll get more pics tonight


Well-Known Member
damn man that sucks.
you can probably even get some legal edible mushrooms to grow though; they probably grow similarly (?) not sure about that though you'd have to check around, and then you can actually eat them too :) lol

i just checked on them again this morning, well, around 12:30pm (15 minutes ago) when i woke up and the largest one's already 4 1/2 inches long! i dont like the way it's growing sloppily and won't hold itself up, it's eventually just gonna break off of the cake one day when i have to close the container, it's just gnona be too long! lol
i'll get more pics tonight

that's a good idea. i'm sure i can find something really exotic to grow. i'll have to look into that. thank you. :blsmoke: