Well-Known Member
I finally found a mushroom that grows in my area and is in season right now. Going hunting tomorrow. This is the type
Blue-Foot Psilocybe
Psilocybe caerulipes (Pk.) Sacc.
Strophariaceae, Agaricales
DescriptionBrownish, knobbed cap, fading to yellow, with brown gills; whitishstalk bluish at base; on decayed wood. Cap3/8" - 1 3/8" (1-3.5 cm) wide; conical to convex with incurved margin,becoming flat or broadly knobbed; sticky, becoming dry, smooth;watery-cinnamon to yellowish; bruising greenish or bluish, sometimesslowly. Gillsattached, close to crowded, narrow; brownish to rust-cinnamon. Stalk1 1/4" - 2 3/8" (3-6 cm) long, 1/16" - 1/8" (1.5-3 mm) thick,enlarging to base; whitish, staining greenish-blue. Veilpartial veil evanescent. Spores7-10 X 4-5.5 microns, (but 10-12 X 5.7 microns from 2-spored basidia);elliptical, smooth, with pore at tip. Spore print darkpurple-brown.EdibilityHallucinogenic.SeasonAugust-October.HabitatSingle or in small clusters, on deciduous wood and wood mulch,especially birch and maple. RangeMaine to North Carolina, west to Michigan.CommentsOften overlooked or ignored as just another LBM, little brownmushroom, this hallucinogenic species turns blue on handling, usuallyafter several minutes. Images91k
Excited I know an excellent spot where I have spotted many different types of mushrooms.
Any tips?
Blue-Foot Psilocybe
Psilocybe caerulipes (Pk.) Sacc.
Strophariaceae, Agaricales
DescriptionBrownish, knobbed cap, fading to yellow, with brown gills; whitishstalk bluish at base; on decayed wood. Cap3/8" - 1 3/8" (1-3.5 cm) wide; conical to convex with incurved margin,becoming flat or broadly knobbed; sticky, becoming dry, smooth;watery-cinnamon to yellowish; bruising greenish or bluish, sometimesslowly. Gillsattached, close to crowded, narrow; brownish to rust-cinnamon. Stalk1 1/4" - 2 3/8" (3-6 cm) long, 1/16" - 1/8" (1.5-3 mm) thick,enlarging to base; whitish, staining greenish-blue. Veilpartial veil evanescent. Spores7-10 X 4-5.5 microns, (but 10-12 X 5.7 microns from 2-spored basidia);elliptical, smooth, with pore at tip. Spore print darkpurple-brown.EdibilityHallucinogenic.SeasonAugust-October.HabitatSingle or in small clusters, on deciduous wood and wood mulch,especially birch and maple. RangeMaine to North Carolina, west to Michigan.CommentsOften overlooked or ignored as just another LBM, little brownmushroom, this hallucinogenic species turns blue on handling, usuallyafter several minutes. Images91k
Excited I know an excellent spot where I have spotted many different types of mushrooms.
Any tips?