shout out to the midwest


whats up ladies and gents. my names rayse, new to the site, been stalking for awhile but now i think ill become active. interested in all the lovely info people like to share. no issues at the moment, but ya never know. shit happens. right now i currently have: ak47, bubblegum, blue hash plant, blackberry kush , and kai. using gh lucas formula, 2 600 wat hps for flowering, and and a 4 foot 8 tube t5 for veg and another for moms. rockwool, top feed irrigation. new to the rockwool, before i was using an aeroponic table but i stopped using it because i didnt like the down time. now i start 3 every 2 weeks, and in a nutshell thats my system. a little later tonight when my lights come on ill post pics of my setup. see if i cant get any criticism. good or bad, i welcome all.