Should this worry me.


Well-Known Member
One of the issues, the white patches on the leaves looks like powdery mildew. I don't know what the black dots are.

Hook Daddy

Well-Known Member
I don’t know if that’s black mold or from bugs, but I would be worried. I agree it doesn’t look anything like overwatering.


Well-Known Member
I'd remove those affected leaves. Not sure if it's a mold issue or just old fan leaves being being sucked dry of nutes. I'd be more concerned if it was on the green leaves, but certainly keep an eye on it.

Billy the Mountain

Well-Known Member
I'd remove those affected leaves. Not sure if it's a mold issue or just old fan leaves being being sucked dry of nutes. I'd be more concerned if it was on the green leaves, but certainly keep an eye on it.
Concern is warranted; the black spots are already on the green leaves in the pic.
I'm very curious what they might be; haven't seen anything like in on cannabis before.