should my plaant be showing sex by now?


Well-Known Member
Before reading my respect to scroglodyte and grandpa 1949 for the help and advice with my first grow ,your advice was all took on board and appreciated .;-)

so onto my second grow....

Auto Russian.

3rd May - Seed germinated using paper towel method in airing cupboard

5th May - Tap root is ready to be planted . Planted in the pot its going to be staying in . Soil - just household compost with a bit of vermiculite. Placed in window cill light.

7th May - Sprouted

10th May - Moved into closet under 5 x 20watt warm cfl and 5 x20watt blue cfl

light 18/6

15th May First watering

21st second watering 1/4 strength nutes

23rd moved to window during day for sunlight back to closet when sundown

continued until

29th with light watering on 25th

pot is now light so gonna water tomoorow morning with 1/2 nute feeding

All seems to be better thanks to the previous advice from my first grow


Shouldn`t my auto be showing sex by now though ?

pics taken 3 days ago


pics taken today


thanks for any input :)


Well-Known Member
Still no signs of sex and its getting a lot bushier although some of the lower leaves arelooking a little pale, would switching it to 12/12 for a couple of days induce flowering? Any ideas?

pics taken today



Well-Known Member
Also does my plant look overwatered? I `m sure i havent been overwatering , only when pot is dry and really light.


Active Member
It does look overwatered to me. Amending your soil with perlite next time will help a lot with that. Use the lift test. If it feels light water it, if not let er breath.

If it is an auto, it will be anywhere from 3-4 weeks depending on breeding. Just keep looking for the hairs! You can't be far off.

If it is not an autoflower, you will have to 12/12 it to find sex. To bring it back to veg will take ~3 weeks though.


Well-Known Member
if it is an auto flower, you should keep the lights on 24/7 the entire grow.
Most plants show their sex at the 8th to 10th set of leaves.


Active Member
they arent going to show sex until they begin the flowering phase, those pretty ladies wont be showing sex for probably another two weeks or so if their auto. But from your last pic it looks like she is already showing shes a female. Also , the reason your leaves are hanging like that can also be because you arent watering enough. Your only watering them once a week???? If so thats your problem, you should be watering them at least twice daily minimum. People have it confused when it comes to "overwatering". Jorge Cervantes has even explained that its really hard to over water a marijuana plant. You need to water them at least twice daily, Thats why your leaves are hanging.

Water them properly and those leaves will stand straight up like a 90 year old on viagra.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for your replies but isnt watering twice daily too much , ive been only watering when the pot is light which was taking around 5-6 days but is now more frequent as the plant has got bigger. I thought an auto should be showing sex by week 4 . Could you please tell me why pic 5 is showing female as all i see is the stipules but then again im an amatuer :) so dont really know what im looking at ...thx.


Hey there fat2k3, I have grown several strains of auto flower along with many regular plants. You plants look good. Different genetics can act differently. Usually a plant that needs water droops, but sometimes they do it anyway. I have also had good luck with a 12/12 light cycle inducing flowering.

I recently harvested some Speedy Gonzalez crosses that I started inside and moved outside mid April. They looked okay, but I also helped a friend harvest the exact same plants from the exact same seeds (I know becasue I bred them myself) that were planted at the exact same time and his plants looked better, had bigger buds and had more smell.

You want to knwo the difference? My friend is an old man, late seventies, he wanted to grow some herb so I gave him two 125 watt CFl's that were too crappy for me to use. We put four plants in gallon pots full of Ocean Forest that had just shown sex under the lights for 12 hours a day. Why only twelve hours? Because he only has a curtain covering the window in the room he grew in and didn't want the bright lights alerting neighbors after dark. I told him to water them twice a week. His buds were better than mine that got more light, but also had to contend with wind and weather. Mine had more leaves, his had more bud, twice as much.

Your plants look fine. If anything, they are very dark green which could indicate too much nitrogen. You are on the right track.


Also, some genetics like to crinkle a little like your lower leaf in one picture. The Purps and Dr. Greenthumbs C99 do that a lot. When I was growng the Purps they liked to droop when the temperature got into the eighties and humidity was high. They acted hot, even though the edges of the leaves didn't curl up or in like plants tend to do when they get too hot.


Well-Known Member
they arent going to show sex until they begin the flowering phase, those pretty ladies wont be showing sex for probably another two weeks or so if their auto. But from your last pic it looks like she is already showing shes a female. Also , the reason your leaves are hanging like that can also be because you arent watering enough. Your only watering them once a week???? If so thats your problem, you should be watering them at least twice daily minimum. People have it confused when it comes to "overwatering". Jorge Cervantes has even explained that its really hard to over water a marijuana plant. You need to water them at least twice daily, Thats why your leaves are hanging.

Water them properly and those leaves will stand straight up like a 90 year old on viagra.
If you watered twice daily your plants will float away, after they die of don't water twice a day, or even daily, unless you have a super huge plant that drinks a while hell of a lot...MJ is made to survive periods of drought, not so much periods of flood...


Well-Known Member
The autos I have grown have shown sex real quick, compared to the photo plants, I'd say 3-4 weeks. Your's will probably show any day now. Males flower before females though (generally), so since it's taking a little while, that's an alright sign.


Well-Known Member
Ok thanks for your advice , i think with the advice given ill see how it goes over the next few days and just continue as i am with the pot lift watering and hope it shows its sex , seems to be a lot more leaves compared to my first grow , almost overcrowded , will the growth spread as it continues to grow, as new growth is still coming through even where its already crowded?

Also them lower leaves i mentioned that are yellowing and look like they are slowly dying off ( i know the leaves die off towards the end of the plants life) but is this normal for them to be doing it this soon ? its only the first set and the second set (ie the ones with 1 and 3 fingered leaves)?

Edit: Should i switch to 12/12 or leave at 18/6 for a little while longer?


Well-Known Member
anymore advice? i left the plant in windowsill sunlight today and the leaves lifted quite a bit but still droopy , i noticed that some of the new growth is a bit claw like but bigger / older leaves are fine?


Well-Known Member
Leaves shouldn't be dying off so soon.

Autos do better with more light than 12/12, you should check the breeder's site and see if they say how many hours to give it. Autos usually prefer 20/4 or 18/6, some even do 24/0.


you can buy a moisture meter from walmart for $5. it's a probe that you stick in the soil. it's great. the scale is 1-10 so i wait for them to get to a 2 (at the bottom of the pot) and then water until they are a 7 or so, and repeat!

also, can't believe no one has mentioned... do you ph your water? i think that's what causes the "claw" (could be wrong, someone please correct me if i'm wrong because i have the claw too!)


Well-Known Member
its under 18/6 ,got a ph meter for soil and water , taken from site

Auto Russian!

White Russian from Serious Seeds is one of the most awarded strains available. It is a cross of the world famous White Widow and AK-47. We have it crossed with automatic genetics to remove the need for a light cycle and named it Auto Just Russian.

White Widow is known for being short and covered in frosty crystals. It has won various havest awards and is renowned and highly reputed for its commercial success. AK47 is as highly regarded with its super pungent odour, knock out high and it’s virtually industructable stature the combining of these two strains makes for a serious winning combination. They are great yielders, very easy to grow, and produce a crop worthy of the cannabis cup every time.
This Auto-flowering strain is one of the strongest automatic’s you can buy. The level of THC with auto flowering strains is normally lessened due to the Ruderalis genetics used for removing the need for a light cycle. "Auto Just Russian" retains more THC than 99% of other auto-flowering strains and it also produces a worthy crop in a much quicker time."

seed was from justfeminized not serious seeds so im assuming they are same company?

according to site seed to harvest in 10 weeks

flowering 7-8 weeks
