Should I whack them ??????

OG Superfly

So I have about 6 plants that were all clones but the clones were super small, smaller then I like but the situation was such that I either got them or went without so I took them. They took longer to root then normal then when I put them in the coco they seemed to be super slow growers while I watched other plants go flying buy them......... anyways they look real healthy, super green and vibrant but are just not growing, they are like stuck in suspended animation or something............I am feeding them nutes and they are all in the same coco as the ones doing good so I am at a total loss for whats going on with them but everytime I see them all I can think about is murder and taking the loss and starting over..........
suggestions please....................


Well-Known Member
I would give it a little more time. Could be the plants are growing their roots out which will just mean a slower growth patch before things start to pick up again.

OG Superfly

great ideas guys, Thanks.............. I will let you know how my kill 4 plan works out, just really frustrating.............


Well-Known Member
how do the roots look? sometimes i have had to kill clones-that's why you'll see a lot of suggestions for growers to take more than they actually need.