Should I Use This Or Not?


Active Member
I have a small computer fan rated for 12VDC that I wired up to a GPS charger rated for 9VDC so it works fine, just not 100% power.

I have some bud hanging in a cardboard box approximately 1'x2'x4' I have the box pretty much sealed, I was wondering if it would be beneficial to pop the fan in the bottom and then pop a hole in the top for the air to be pushed out?

a dog named chico

Well-Known Member
For drying you want non-direct air flow... so if you are using it to pull the air out tour prob okay.. just make sure to watch them so they do not over dry.


Active Member
Yea I was having problems with drying too quickly before when I just had them hanging in a closet, so I switched to several of these boxes. The fan wouldn't be blowing ANY air directly onto the bud, and it's not moving much air at all as it's a small computer case fan running at 75% power.

I just don't want to swing too far to the other end now, and have very high humidity causing a different set of problems. With no fan, the boxes provide near zero airflow.