Should I Use This Fertilizer for BLOOMING???? opinions/comments welcome

Dr. Grow Mo

Im currently using a mix of Miracle grow
-2quarts MG seed starter w/ 3months worth of time release nutes mix of peat moss etc. etc. npk?idk
-7quarts MG moisture control w/ 6months of time release npk= .21P-.07-=.14
-8quarts MG organic potting mix w/ 2mo time release (N)–.10%,Phosphate– .05%,potash–.10%
-1cup MG perlite
-1/2cup MG organic bone meal 12-0-0
---------- per 5gal bucket----------

sO i dont think i need more N as it is mixed up in the soil i am considering getting mycorrhizal fungi spore tablets to make my roots nice and happy, this in turn should cause my plants to explode like a bush.

Also going to get seaweed powder and start to mix into the water feeding, acts like a plant steroid and promotes almost unregulated plant cell growth due to the seaweed hormones. Going to start molasses to or i heard actually sucanat (organic pure can sugar) would be more beneficial as its processed less.

But for flowering i was considering this giant 2lb beast 12-55-6 w/ .10% chilated iron.
Is that iron beneficial/ harmful? anyone know?
This whole thing can be found for $15.30 +sph on amazon
LISTED AS ORGANIC on the website... but not on the bottle

Thanks for the feedback:joint:

Dr. Grow Mo

When compared to FF Beastie Bloomz this has wayyyyy more less K but a lil more P
NPK= 0-50-30
but i dont think beastie bloomz is organic i cant find out, im thinking not
plus at 35$.... super bloom is only half price



Well-Known Member
okay so first off, i'm not going to tell you shit about MG because you seem to have a good idea of what youre doing and when used properly MG is decent. So, the iron in that first fert is fine, iron helps plants absorb the energy provided by sugar, it is also hard for a cannabis plant to get an iron overdose, although if it does happen it can materailize as a P def because it's hampers the uptake of P. so yeah, i wouldn't worry about that. imo i'd get the beastie, that's an ideal ratio

also, good info about the seaweed, and yes organic pure cane is better than molasses, yet look around there is molasses out there for gardens which is really the best

Dr. Grow Mo

okay so first off, i'm not going to tell you shit about MG ...
HAHAHA im a first time grower so really all i know ive read online from helpful peeps like you.

My gf started them in MG but i read that shit is like lava if the nutes makes the soil to hot ur plants are done for. SO i tried to get a good mix going as they were transplanted into the buckets

So if i am to use FF i think i should just get the whole set its more cost effective that way

This set is 60 bucks on amazon and the Cha Ching is packed with micro nutrients

OR Should i stick with FF basic set, which is 40 bucks

Dr. Grow Mo

HONESTLY i reaaaaallllyyyyyy wanted something organic as ive read chemical fertilizers KILL OFF mycorrhizal fungi and i dont want to buy the spores if im just going to kill them.


Well-Known Member
HONESTLY i reaaaaallllyyyyyy wanted something organic as ive read chemical fertilizers KILL OFF mycorrhizal fungi and i dont want to buy the spores if im just going to kill them.
yeah, it's really one or the other. but yeah, i mean i haven't used the trio, and i wouldn't use any of those for veg to me it seems like those were pretty much just flowering nutes.. although i have had great experiences with the basic set, i've used them for everything, soil, autos, hydro. that stuff is good.

Dr. Grow Mo

this is about a week ago, theyve gotten bushier since
all bagseed so im trying to get my feet wet with experience b4 i buy seeds

the link at the bottom of my sig is the link to my grow page if u wanna checck out more pics and the setup, more pics tonight tho



Well-Known Member
HAHAHA im a first time grower so really all i know ive read online from helpful peeps like you.

My gf started them in MG but i read that shit is like lava if the nutes makes the soil to hot ur plants are done for. SO i tried to get a good mix going as they were transplanted into the buckets

So if i am to use FF i think i should just get the whole set its more cost effective that way

This set is 60 bucks on amazon and the Cha Ching is packed with micro nutrients

OR Should i stick with FF basic set, which is 40 bucks
the first set of FF products are bloom boost agents and are designed as an additive during the flower phase, the second set of FF products are the primary nutrients and are used together through the plants entire life cycle. In the veg stage you would use a combination of big bloom and grow big, in the flower cycle its a combination of big bloom and tiger blossom with a little bit of grow big around the 3-4th week, you can see the feed schedual at the FF website. If i were to choose I would go with the basic tri pack and use less expensive bloom boosters..

Dr. Grow Mo

Thanks for all the feedback guys but are the FF basic set ALL organic?? i see that the tiger bloom is but how bout the other two? Big bloom and grow big it particular.
See this would kill off most mychorrhizal fungi in the medium which im planning on adding LOTS of


Well-Known Member
the only one that is organic is the big bloom, the tiger blossom is "organic based" but not considered organic. Cha ching, beastie bloomz and open sesame are not organic either.

Dr. Grow Mo

then im going to have to try blue mountain... riu forums are saying its gr8! wonder if i can find it local.. but its 25 bucks on ebay for a 3pack and the ingredient include micorrhizale fungi in the mix & molasses.. saves me an extra buy. PLUS ITS 100% organic