Should I use Peat Moss in substrate?


I've watched a lot of "how to make a substrate for mushroom growing" videos, and I see all YouTubers use Coco Coir with Gypsum and Vermiculite.
I have Coco Coir and a lot of PeatMoss in my house, What is the best option to use?
Is there a mix of Coco and PeatMoss for better results?
or Should I use Coco only for the substrate like YouTube videos?

Also, I wanna ask about How to make sure that will not be contamination in my substrate? And How much hydration/water is good for the substrate and How to check it? (Youtube videos enough)

Thank y'all for your help. ;-)
Probably best just using coir, and nothing else really. Making sure it's at the right field capacity, just like all the videos show. Just find some channel or videos you like, and follow along.

Coco is pretty inert, and not much will really grow on it, so no real worries that it will contaminate. Just make sure you use the bucket tek, and use hot water to pasteurize it overnight anyway. If you manage to get healthy enough grain spawn to mix it to bulk with, you should be good and get a few flushes before any contams set in.
I got lots of grow mediums, and stuff laying around that could probably work too, but.. I been buying fresh bricks of coco anyway, just to be on the safe side, ya know?
I grow in a peat-based substrate. It's a pretty easy medium to use - and you don't need to water daily with it. Do you have plain sphagnum or a mix like Pro Mix or Sunshine Mix?
Peat has a low ph. Too low if it is not adjusted. It also has a very low level of nutrients. It is used as casing but not as substrate. Coir is more neutral in ph and it has some nutrient value. It will sustain contamination eventually.
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Peat mixes are totally inert - which I found to be their selling feature. Their inert nature puts the feed in my control and not in the medium.

Hmmm ... really?

Yes, why would one dilute nutrient value of a substrate?