Should I use air cooled reflectors?


Should I use air cooled reflectors? in a 5'X8' closet grow with 2 100watt lights, I already have big reflectors which aren't air cooled and sufficient intake/ outake fans. I will buy air cooled reflectors if it's the right way to go

Should I use air cooled reflectors? in a 3.3'X6.5' grow tent again with sufficient fans


Well-Known Member
I just bought a new light and didn't get the air cooled reflectors too save some money... I regret it... Next time air cooled all the way...


ok thanks guys, I will spend the extra coin, would I be able to use the fan that I intended for intake for intake (4" 175 cfm) for the air cooled reflectors? can i just use my exhaust fan and a hole with no fan for intake? is passive intake fine? also i will be drawing air in from inside the house not outside air this is ok right?