Should I trim a bit?


Active Member
My plants are flowering, but they have a lot of leaves, I posted here before and people said to just do exactly what I'm still doing, but should I trim some off?


Well-Known Member
My plants are flowering, but they have a lot of leaves, I posted here before and people said to just do exactly what I'm still doing, but should I trim some off?
How many plants do you have in that one pot? And is that a new clone in the bottom left?


Well-Known Member
You should probably try to stay at a 1 plant per pot ratio, when plant roots interact in the same area it tends to become a fight to the death, not to mention new clones prefer their lights to be less intense than flowering lights, but on a longer amount of time, I use 18/6 but a lot go longer periods of on time for rooting clones


Well-Known Member
The larger lower leaves, fan leaves, are real important for plant development. The underside of the fans contain organelles. These are tiny organs that allow photosynthesis to occur. You can start removing the yellow fans when they get more than 50% yellow. Until they are more than half yellow they are doing more good than harm.

Years ago I had 4 Armageddon plants flowering and was concerned that the fan leaves were blocking light access to some of the lower branches. So I started removing the fans. Unknowingly I passed the point of no return and the new "greenery" started coming in white. As in albino white. It was so obvious with some leaves actually having a distinct line separating the old green coloration with the new white shit. Long story longer -- once a plant goes white the product is worthless. I ended up trashing a 1/4 pound because of fan removing. Never again...

Good luck, BigSteve.