Should I transplant???


My plant is outside, planted in the ground in the middle of my garden. Its been growing for two months and is about 6 ft tall and still growing. Ive topped and LST and its still growing tall. So i would like to transplant it into a pot so that I can 1 take it inside two hours before sun goes down so I can start 12/12 and 2 so it doesnt get noticed by neibors. Also when it starts to bud I am afraid that the rain will give the buds bud rot since there is nothing to cover the plant when it rains. So am I safe to transplant this plant? I dont know if the age matters or if that is a factor? Please give me some feed back guys I really need to know what to do, THanks!


Well-Known Member
You will reduce the final weight if you do that. Leave it where it is, digging out a 6 foot plant with its well est root system and slapping it in a pot will cause major stress. Be patient.


Well-Known Member
yea like he said so much stressed would be cause by removing it from the ground its best to just leave it there, how hidden is it from them?