should I top my mother


Well-Known Member
I have a plant that is 9 inches tall the lateral shoots are growing really nice but I'm wondering if yas think I should top it so I can get a couple clones sooner or if there is a better way to get more clones sooner. This is my first attempt at a mother and cloneing so ANY advice would be really cool thanks budz


Well-Known Member
Especially if you grew this one from seed, you might be able to prompt side growth by topping. I've had some plants that got to 6-7 nodes without branching at all. Then when I topped them new growth sped up at the nodes.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
if you take off all that shit at the bottom of the plant (not a branch) it will branch a lot better.


Well-Known Member
if you take off all that shit at the bottom of the plant (not a branch) it will branch a lot better.
first time i have heard that. not saying its wrong or innaccurate - cannabis is a crazy fucking plant. Just I have been taught to top the plant at 4 nodes to encourage 4 mains.... and then topping/fimming/pinching/supercropping those mains to further increase bushiness. Taking from the top allows the bottoms to "grow up" and eventually become tops themselves...

On a 9" tall plant where/what on the bottom do you remove to encourage bushiness & branching?



Medical Marijuana (MOD)
any of the crap leafy shit that's sucking up everything.the plant is trying to make that shit grow but all is going to do is get bushy down their, so by taking that crap off it focuses the plant energy on growing


Well-Known Member
kinda like pruning the undergrowth bullshit sites 2-3 weeks into flower... only applying the technique in early veg?


Well-Known Member
WOW thanak guys! your responcees are awesome I think I'm gonna pinch her tonight.I really want her to start producing babys as soon as possible so I'm gonna jump all over it.As far as removing any leaf I'm gonna do a little more research first I was always under the impression that they were the fuel for the plant and I want as much GO GO as possible.If anybody else has got input on removing leaves I'd really like to here all your opinions. thanks budz.


Well-Known Member
just be careful not to overprune or you will stall you plant/s
a little today, a little in 2 days...

good luck


Well-Known Member
mr green i was looking at my plant and so far all the leaves get direct light some more then others but light is directly on them.the only leaves thet dont get direct light is the new leaves on the laterals but they are still really you think i should pull some of the big fan leaves to get light into the coar so the lats get direct light.Thanks for your help man.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
just remember that all is stored in the leaves and feeds the plant. don't trim to much off. good luck.