Should I start over or not ?


New Member
It’s been 2 weeks, they’ve all been growing minimally. 2 of them more then then the other 2.

My problem is that they’re auto flowers and they just don’t seem to be growing much...maybe it’s bad genetics..... idk...but I’m also thinking maybe the grow space shouldn’t be wasted on these plants, and I should buy seeds with great genetics...again idk..maybe this is premature thinking but you tell me...should I keep growing these plants or should I just start over w better genetics ?
[600 W LED]image.jpg
Those are really small for 2 weeks. I don't know what light that is but they might call it 600 watts but it's more than likely only pulling 100 or so. Does it have grow and bloom switches on it? If so make sure they're both on.
The same thing happened to me. Problem was the light. The amazon recommended blurple ones that claim high wattage are bogus. A Quantom board with samsung LED's will really serve you well I think (It did for me). Something like the SF1000 or similar. Make sure it is close enough as well.
Bad genetics? What seeds are they? 1st grow? Maybe temper expectations a lil.. grow conditions look less then ideal to me. Not sure what you are expecting at 2 weeks with that setup, solo cups do they at least have drainage? blurple light?
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