Should I start defoliation


Well-Known Member
Here we have my 5 month old photo outdoor plant now indoor due to strong 40mph winds... She's now in flower and Id say she has around 4-6 weeks left she's been through a lot just recently we have had crazy winds so I decided it's time to bring her in I'm now thinking of just finishing her off inside as 1 she's a lot safer inside now she's flowering 2 I can control everything about her alot easier... My mains 2 questions are should I start to take some leaves off as she's becoming a bloody Bush. And also will me bringing her inside under 600w hps do anything bad to her I mean the weather lately has been shit 21 degrees at best and cloudy windy and rainy so surely this will benefit her a lot better not got the best of pics but as you can see she's not doing to bad considering I'm in the UK and she's gone through 5 re Pottings and she was random purple stardawg seed given to me

BTW these pics where taking the day I brought her in she's now properly under the light and growing insane she's perked up more than I've seen her in the last 2 months



Well-Known Member
Selective pruning ... target blocking fans ( mid areas / lower ) BUT start lightly to guage when to stop.

You are not trying to scalp them. You can LST that bitch too.