Should I replace my carbon filter if ....


I got pm 7 weeks into flower last batch. It hit late so it didn't get into the buds, but I had my scrubbers running 24/7. I'm sure PM spores got into the filter, so should I toss the filters and get new ones for my next grow, or can running vaporized sulphur through them kill all the spores?


What inch is your air intake fan mate ? I just brought this 1 of ebay and now I can't smell shit can't believe the difference !
Item number:110992796089

normaly it's said u can get a couple of grows out a filter


Well-Known Member
how old is your filter? how much $$$ do you have?
Some try to 'rejuvenate' their filters by baking in oven. This may work, but the cleaning process is supposed to smell a lot. Not sure how this would work on mold.
I have never heard of sulfur option.

I use CAN 2600 filter. Cost about $45 bucks for new filter. I just get a new one every 18 months, or sooner if I smell break through. For me it is easier to just replace filter.
If yours is new and/or you are short on cash, you could try baking.