Should I remove leaves in veg?

Should i take off some fan leaves from the outer 2 plants so the tops can get some light? I know the tent is rough, thankfully I ordered me a new with the black friday deals on Amazon.C3169246-EE7E-4F53-827E-CB85FBDB898B.jpeg
from your warped photo..i can only guess your plants are less than 18" tall, maybe, probably less than 9". Maybe less. They are still in the process of putting energy into their new growth. The need for your research is in your very question. you should know enough if you got them this far...
My opinion is that you should not defoliate yet or at least do so minimally. Photosynthesis is good and that happens in your leaves. Later on you might selectively defoliate to improve airflow, eliminate larf and make a level canopy. But that comes later.
No shit. And people frown on me for using guano, :lol:
Nothing worse than seeing that shit blowing down the road... Actually googled more and people use it as filler in planters because it takes so long to break down. But if exposed to chemicals, heat or extended UV it can leech and cause all sorts of nasty for the environment. Think I'll stick to poly or smart pots. Both have served me well.
Can't say I know enough about it but is there any reason to believe the plants makeup would be affected by this?
If something was used over the grow and it caused the styrofoam to breakdown the chemicals in it would then leach into the soil. Cannabis is a great plant at leaching stuff out of soil so the idea of possible adding a carcinogenic just seems like a silly thing to do. Pots are cheap, I've got most of my poly pots for free off of the gardening section of Craigslist or on trash day. I've even scored smart pots that had soil still in them, I have no problem with washing used smart pots at the local laundry matt.
If something was used over the grow and it caused the styrofoam to breakdown the chemicals in it would then leach into the soil. Cannabis is a great plant at leaching stuff out of soil so the idea of possible adding a carcinogenic just seems like a silly thing to do. Pots are cheap, I've got most of my poly pots for free off of the gardening section of Craigslist or on trash day. I've even scored smart pots that had soil still in them, I have no problem with washing used smart pots at the local laundry matt.
Oh and about cannabis being good at leaching stuff up, the grounds around Chernobyl have been planted with hemp to help try to clean up some of the contamination after the meltdown there.

Oh and about cannabis being good at leaching stuff up, the grounds around Chernobyl have been planted with hemp to help try to clean up some of the contamination after the meltdown there.

Should i take off some fan leaves from the outer 2 plants so the tops can get some light? I know the tent is rough, thankfully I ordered me a new with the black friday deals on Amazon.

Don't take any fan leaves. Do take the advice and get fabric pots. Roots air prune themselves with fabric pots
Do you like square?
Here are 3 gallon square pots on sale (although you might want to go bigger):
AC Infinity Square Heavy Duty Fabric Pots
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If something was used over the grow and it caused the styrofoam to breakdown the chemicals in it would then leach into the soil. Cannabis is a great plant at leaching stuff out of soil so the idea of possible adding a carcinogenic just seems like a silly thing to do. Pots are cheap, I've got most of my poly pots for free off of the gardening section of Craigslist or on trash day. I've even scored smart pots that had soil still in them, I have no problem with washing used smart pots at the local laundry matt.
K. But your leaning into the thought that someone might use some chemical that can cause a breakdown. Which I can get down with but exactly what growing chemical would create styrofoam to break down?

I'd imagine if someone is using something that can breakdown Styrofoam then that would be the bigger issue.

Do you have any suggestions as to what these growing chemicals are that would cause what you are talking about?

Please keep in mind I'm not advocating for styrofoam containers. But I am trying to understand the circumstances that you are warning of.

Seems to me @Newguyontheblock96 was working with what he has or could afford.
K. But your leaning into the thought that someone might use some chemical that can cause a breakdown. Which I can get down with but exactly what growing chemical would create styrofoam to break down?

I'd imagine if someone is using something that can breakdown Styrofoam then that would be the bigger issue.

Do you have any suggestions as to what these growing chemicals are that would cause what you are talking about?

Please keep in mind I'm not advocating for styrofoam containers. But I am trying to understand the circumstances that you are warning of.
You Californias are crazy. Everything is bad except styrofoam in the soil, :lol:
