should i just harvest them?


im about 9 weeks into flowering and my plants have turned into hermies :( its only my second grow so im not surprised, i still got alot to learn. im thinking i will just harvest them before they get filled with seeds, but i havent flushed them yet. if i just give them one really good flush will that be ok?


i know but i was just wanted to hear other peoples opinions too and i figured i might get a response sooner on this board


Well-Known Member
Patience young padawan....

You'll get more opinions soon, don't forget, it is only 7:00 am on a sunday morning on our West coast...


Well-Known Member
Hmm...I think I would just keep removing the pollen pods to the best of my ability and go on with it...or just let them finish and pick out the seeds...I would not suggest harvesting too soon kinda ruins what you do get...and I can assure you that unless you plan on making hash with what you harvest then you need to really get as many flushes in there as possible...weed that hasn't been flushed enough tastes absolutely terrible...just got done making that mistake about a month ago...great weed! Terrible taste...that's ok though, I made some hash with most of it, and kept back a little and jsut smoked it out of the water bong after I put in a jolly rancher in the really did help. I guess it is up to you if you pull em now or wait, but I would wait if it were me. I also know how it is when you are worried about something with your plants and it seems like noone is answering your pleas for It'll be alright!