Should I grow in my closet? Living at home.


Hey guys, I'm 19 years old and I'm a MMJ patient here in California. I have a small grow of 4 plants under CFLs at my friends house who is also a patient. However, things are not going well and they are not contributing as they should. I want to move at least 1 plant to my closet and grow it solely on my own. For me there would be very minor consequences since earlier in the year my brother stole from my parents, and they barely punished him! He is 20 years old for god's sake... Also, as of January 1st 2011 marijuana possession in California is an infraction, no longer a misdemeanor.


Well-Known Member

no. it's not cool to grow in your closet hidden from your parents.

if you want to grow, grow it outside... if you're in california go big or go elsewhere.... you're an MMJ patient, go get some badass clones, put them in the ground OUTSIDE, and watch them grow...

i suggest starting a little plot, making a large hole about 2 feet deep, throw some fish in there, cover it up.... the decaying fish are like steroids for plants, you prob won't have to feed them at all....

when summer starts showing up, grow those puppies outside, you can yield enough for the whole year..................... and you won't have to go through the pain in the ass of setting up a rainforest in your closet....


Well-Known Member
just ask your parents they probly wont say anything you already have your card..if not move out your 19


Well-Known Member
If you mean should you and not tell them, no. If I recall, you have to declare where you are growing your meds at. Imagine them coming by to check up on you and your Mom or Dad answer, or worse, they find out some other way and you have been hiding it from them.

Seems everyone is becoming a "patient"