Should I force flower to check sex before putting outside to veg?


I have a question Should I sex my plants before putting them outside even though the they will be going pack to veg will that hurt them at all. I dont think it will but i juts wanna make sure.


Well-Known Member
No, it won't hurt them, it'll just take a couple weeks to revert back to vegging. How old are they? They'll start showing preflowers under veg light schedules, after 4 weeks or so, on their own. Might be a better option to just wait a little longer?

Also, if they aren't going in the ground, and you have the extra space, I'd just put them outside and wait for the preflowers to come out naturally, then ditch the males.


Thats a bad idea, making it flower than throwing it back to veg
leave your plants outside and jest take cuttings/ clones and force 1 from each it to flowering t find out
but if thats to much work you can always wait till they start flowering to kill the males


Active Member
A good way to do this would be to take a cutting and place it in a cup of water put it in a cabinet with light on for 12/12 and with in 10 14 days it should show you its sex hope this helps.


Active Member
I agree with frmboi the one thing you should always try and avoid is stress the bitches or you end with with tom and jane and not mary jane stright hermee patience is a virtue like i said take a clipping and force flower in a cabinet 12/12 light


Undercover Mod
How old are your plants? Mine always show sex at around a month old no need to change lighting. Preflowers


Well-Known Member
Forcing the sex to show and then revegging could cause stunted growth, hermies, decrease in yield and so on. Your best choice would be to just put them outside when the time comes and let it happen naturally, taking clones puts more stress on the plant which it doesn't need, unless you plan to use it as a mother plant which would be hard outdoors then just leave it and at first sign of nanners kill the male.


Active Member
4 to 6 weeks from seed above fourth nood shows signs of presex i only told him told force preflower from a CUTTING AND PLACE I INTO A CABINET ON 12/12 because it seemed like this person really wanted to know and did not want to wait weeks.