In vegetative I use 1/4 dose of dyna grow 'grow' or alaska fish fertilizer , a couple tablespoons for 2 gallons or 1 tablespoon of dyna grow for the seedlings or clones up to a foot or 2 tall. that works 2 0r 3 times a week with flushing in between. I have been using hydroton mixed with fancy potting soil to help with drainage, now mixing some cactus mix with new plantings. the coco retains moisture on the other hand, but with more drainage, maybe I can get faster growth or ripening.
They say you can give a quarter dose every watering , but the dyna grow might be too strong for seedlings.
when they are 2 feet tall or nice big plants you could give a full dose of organic fertilizer once a week, even 2 or 3 times a week outdoors if the plant is benefitting from it, foxfarm big bloom and tiger bloom seem to be very good