Should I do some Pruning Autoflower?


Hi Guys

This blue amnesia auto is on Day 54.
It has not shown any flower yet.
Her sister is on late flowering stage now.

I believe she was stunted and stop growing for few days before, but now she looks very healthy.

I water and feed her every 2 days these days with flora gro and she is growing bushy but isn't growing tall very much.

Should I do some pruning on her?
Advices are appreciated

Wow that's really small for a 54 day "any" plant. .. still looks healthy though. I would say no, don't prune anything yet.
Kinda runty …. I would not do any stress on her. Just see if she begins growing out on her own in next couple weeks.
She is most likely a weak strain , could go either way.
At day 54 looking that small, even though healthy I’d toss it and free up the space for something that grows. Ain’t even saying you did anything wrong there, sometimes you just get a genetic dud even among seeds from the same set of parents.