shorten veg time

Hi im trying to shave some time of my vegging
i normally veg clones 5 weeks under 250 cfl,if i watt up to a 600 mh will i be able to shorten the veg time?im thinking rootmass development mainly


Well-Known Member
I go with flower when they are the size of a basket ball, than the first two weeks of flower I get two to two and one half foot extra in growth so at the end of the deal I got a four foot plant to harvest but that works for my space.
i have 18liters,will the 600 mh fill the pot faster than the 250 cfl?the plant will definitly grow faster but will the rootmass follow?


Well-Known Member
I normally transplant my plants 3 or 4 times before I put them in my flower room. By the time I move them to a different pot, the root mass has adjusted to the smaller pot. Only a matter of expansion now. You'll notice the difference in the vegetation once they are moved. They'll go thru a small shock, then boom. Explosivo!!!!!!