Short Rider - Picture & Video update, day 54


Active Member
Nirvana Short Rider. Feminized. Autoflower. Day 55. 3 gallon pot. No supercropping/topping/FIM at all. Fox Farm - Happy Frog Soil, Big Bloom, Grow Big, Tiger Bloom, ChaChing, Sledge Hammer. Cal/Mag. Humboldt Roots. Humboldt County "Gravity" Flower Hardener. 250 watt HPS. 2'x4'x8' closet.

And here she is, let me know what you think....

Sorry bout the dog barking in the video, and the video being sideways. Also not sure WTF makes my pictures look so yellow/green? Using a Droid Razr camera phone.
Damn AP2K... that was fast! How you doing buddy? How are your girls doing? Any problems? I started using that Flower Hardener from Humboldt County called Gravity - and noticed some yellowing, but it isn't too bad. I ended up deciding to get ppm pen so I can be very specific with her until the end. I don't want to screw anything up until then, LOL. I would LOVE to see your Short Riders. I can't believe mine is over 4' tall now. I wasn't expecting that at all. I think I'll probably give her another 5 days or so and then flush, that way I get at least a 2 week flush to get rid of all the fertilizer & whatnot.
damn! I was changed the link right after I uploaded it, so try it again & see if it will work. Can anyone else see the video?
@DSB65 - I know the HPS will mess with pics, that's why it was turned off, and I had the shades open a little to let in some natural light.... and they still look stupid. I will break out the wifes nice camera next time I do an update. Maybe that will help.
@DSB65 - I know the HPS will mess with pics, that's why it was turned off, and I had the shades open a little to let in some natural light.... and they still look stupid. I will break out the wifes nice camera next time I do an update. Maybe that will help.

guess i dont know......heres a few pics of short rider i grew a couple years ago...




Those look pretty nice. How tall did they end up? I'm hoping the smoke is decent. I have put a lot of time and energy into these girls for just some mediochre weed. I know it doesn't have a super high THC content... I got it for it's CBD levels. They say it's a great medicinal herb. I have usually stuck with high THC content, so this should be a nice change of pace.
Those look pretty nice. How tall did they end up? I'm hoping the smoke is decent. I have put a lot of time and energy into these girls for just some mediochre weed. I know it doesn't have a super high THC content... I got it for it's CBD levels. They say it's a great medicinal herb. I have usually stuck with high THC content, so this should be a nice change of pace.

4 of them got about 2 foot tall the 5th stayed alot smaller....i thought it was good smoke and had a lemon smell
Just finished up feeding and put my baby to bed. I'm starting to feel bad for her little red-headed step sister. She just sits in the corner where there isn't much light and waits for her impending death so as to end the miserable existence she calls life. All kidding aside, I did have to put this larger & healthier plant pretty much directly under the hood to get it enough light. I try to bring the other one as close as I can, but when they overlap, I pull the lil one back away. I don't want her shading any of her older sister's buds. I have pretty much made my mind up that the little one is going to be made into hash or edibles, and the larger one will be my smoke plant. Thanks for the comments, it is really nice to hear other peoples opinions on my girls. I see them every day, and spend hours talking and tucking leaves - so sometimes I tend to miss the obvious.
So I flushed last night. Since she was such a heavy eater, I went with 12 gal water and Fox Farm Sledge Hammer. She looks just fine today, like it never happened. I don't think I'll be able to get a full 14 day flush like I wanted. She is aging very quickly. I have a question for the experienced growers of RIU.... Would it be ok to give her molasses with her water until harvest? Molasses seems benign enough to me, but I don't want to use it if it's going to effect my end product. I want clean burning, smelling, and tasting buds after putting this much love into her every day for months straight.2012-07-25_17-21-53_848.jpg2012-07-25_17-21-53_848.jpg
Those look pretty nice. How tall did they end up? I'm hoping the smoke is decent. I have put a lot of time and energy into these girls for just some mediochre weed. I know it doesn't have a super high THC content... I got it for it's CBD levels. They say it's a great medicinal herb. I have usually stuck with high THC content, so this should be a nice change of pace.

they look great. have grown several short riders with pleasing results. i really like the smoke. i also like the high, it does not leave you looking for a couch. i can go about my business with a pleasant buzz. GL