Short Plants

Hi, not sure if I should post this in outdoor or indoor section, but I planted in early June (yes, I know it was late) and the plants have started to come up, but all the rain killed atleast 80% of them so I only have a few left. The ones still alive are really short (only a couple inches tall) and Im thinking its just too wet in the ground, so Im going to pot them and leave them outside as long as I can. My question is, when I have to bring them inside to finish vegging n flowering, how will the transition from outside to inside affect the plants? Will it stress them alot or affect bud quality?


chronic coinoisseur

Active Member
So you have some plants that were planted in the ground that are currently in the ground but you want to move to pots and eventually indoors? If i were you be extremely careful digging them up and pot them in some good soil. If i were you I would just finish them outside and start new beans for the inside grow


Active Member
may pull a few zips if you nurture them and give them more light... alot of bud strains veg really fast... some double in size in a week.