Short Harvests? Please help


Active Member
Hey guys,
I was just curious about soemthing. I've been researching SOG techniques If i veg out a couple plants (no more then 4) under some fluro's for about a month maybe a little longer. Do you think i could harvest the buds in an additional month, or month and a half????? And get a yield worth my time???
Let me know what you guys have to say, esspecially if you specilaize in compact and SOG techniques.

Love and Peace


Active Member
that doesnt seem like much of a time crunch. you should be able to get some pretty buds out of them. Try to get feminized seeds or a female clone to save time and so you wont loose any of your plants.



New Member
Not unless you grow a strain capable of flowering in 6 weeks. Afghani's are good for this, lovely hash-type plants, covered in sticky trich's, dense heavy buds... and all this in a 40-45 days flower period.


Well-Known Member
depends on the plants genetics,sativas take longer to flower but ive not heard of any plants that can produce fully ripened and smokable bud after only four weeks ...twice that is what i recomend.vegging for a month is fine tho if you only want about a half ounce to a ounce in cured bud per plant.but you should not ruch things.