Shock To Seedling.


So i started a Cherry Bomb seed and all was going well until I knocked it over in my grow room. I didn't just knock it over, it exploded everywhere and I could see roots were damaged so I just scooped it back in the pot and added some more coco. Fast forward about a week and it's doing well consideing the stress i've put her through and it happened again, I dropped her and it exploded everywhere, this time it was worse. I scooped it up again and added more coco to fill the pot out and to this day it is doing quite well and I have since had to repot it and the roots all looked good.

Will shock like this affect yield or quality once it's grown out?


Well-Known Member
It shouldn't hurt it to much if any.. that's if the damage was done as a sprout and not a pre flowering plant....


Well-Known Member
If it's doing well you should be fine. If you damaged it and it was all wilted, etc... then that would be cause for concern. Young plants are very resilient. You stand a better chance of hurting them by overfeeding than an occasional spill. But regardless, you need to stop dropping your plants.