Shelf life of seeds


Active Member
Just wondering what the shelf life of seeds would be if kept at room tempeture in the non-germ package they came in?


Well-Known Member
Not sure if there is one, I would have thought no as they are dormant. How long have they already been in the bag, there isnt a use by date on it.


Well-Known Member
Seeds can and should be stored in a refrigerator if they are not going to be used right away. The best storage method is to place seeds in a film canister with a few grains of rice (uncooked rice will absorb moisture). Place canister with contents in the refrigerator and they should have a shelf life of two years or more. The longer you wait to use your seeds, the greater the chances of germination rates lowering.

Vote 2 Legalize Marijuana

Well-Known Member
Ok folks, here is the scoop on keeping seeds! About two weeks ago I ran across seeds that my wife talked me into saving years ago (1974-1978 ) I placed these seeds into plastic containers and stored in my basement which stays at a constant temp. of 62 degrees (F). I broke out the "Columbian Red Block" seeds a close relation to Panama Red. I put 20 of these to germination out of 20 only one took hold (will post pic next day or two). This baby is doing great, just a bit slow to germinate.

I also have many other verities such as high grade commercial Colombian, Michoacan, Oaxacan, Acapulco Gold, Oaxacan Red, Thai, Colombian Chiba, Guerrero Gold, Colombian Gold, Thai Stick, Maui Wowee, and Blue Hawaiian seeds just to name a few, all of which has also been stored for the past thirty years, just have not tried to germinate as of yet. All of these strains are pure original strains from the seventies (no crossbreeding or hybrid seeds). All of them look just as good as they did 30 years ago.

To the point.... Take 1/4 tubing (like you use for air) and take a Q-tip and shove into one end. Place seeds in side and seal off the other end with another Q-tip. Place in a dry and cool place (in the dark). Or place seeds in a plastic container with cotton ball. Seeds will last a very long time. Keep moisture out!!!!

As time goes by I will be germinating all these seeds and posting pics of those that grow! Watch my gallery for the current "Columbian Red Block"pure strain of the seventies. Oh by the way most of these strains don't exsist any more or are extremely hard to get a hold of! Enjoy my Gallery! Gallery: 34



Active Member
Although I have no knowledge of this, I would assume a nitrogen purge and seal with silica gel at ~4 degrees C would work as well.


Well-Known Member
2 yrs for like shelf life if kept well, i forgot how long for freezing it(like 5 yrs), but it will reduce chances of the seed hatchin

Widow Maker

Well-Known Member
Damn Vote, I thought I had a bunch of strains. lol.

I always heard that they would last a couple years and if you freeze them they are good up to 10 years. I would really like to see Vote germ those 30 year old seeds. I tried to germ about 50 10 year old seeds with no luck.