SHAMAN's Sample Patch


Well-Known Member
Since all of my outdoor is an hour to 2 hour's drive from my house. I have decided to use my breeding patch as a sample patch to see how my plants are doing with out doing the trip to my fields. This should give me an idea of what is going on in the other fields with out going to them. I will be planting BigBud, SkunkBerry, and ShamanCross{mine}, all from clone's. Also PurpleIndica, from seed.
The spot I will be using is real rocky and just inches above the ground water level so no digging. I will be using elevated bed's and burlap sac's.
All of my mother plant were started in Feb/March.
And my purple just 5 days ago. I soak my seed's for 12hours then place them in peat pellet's and a humidity dome under 2 45watt CFL's. I usually see some kind of results in a day or two, But some are lazy and take there time. those are the ones that get tossed.
I like to give my plants a good head start on life. So I keep them inside under a 400w mh or the equivelant to 600w with CFL's. I wait till me babies are about 6-12 inches tall in plastic cups before I transplant them to there outdoor home.

Pic's will follow...Please do not respond to this thread Direct all coments to my PM.. Thanks Peace


Well-Known Member
I cut these yesterday. I used the WILSON brand Liquid root stimulator.{Green Goo}
20 bigbud 5skunkberry.JPG


Well-Known Member
Here is a pic of the forest..
In the middle of those bushes, Threw the brush like a rabbit I crawl.
About 40feet in is a plot I cut out 3years ago, For Breeding.
The spot is about 15fx15f.

This is a pic of one side of the patch.
Elevatedbed's filled with PRO-MIX potting soil.
This is my first trip to this spot as you can see it needs some work.
A little bit of weeding and the brush is filling in a bit. Nothing a quick trip with the saw won't fix.


Well-Known Member
Today I brought out a plant that I grew from a Magic Bean.
It has a purple look to it. And I don't really have any room for it a the house. I am being over run with clones.
So I cut some wire fence and filled a 2l water bottle and took this girl to the bush. I threw her in the bed, Fenced her in and dumped a bottle of water on the soil. Hope she makes it..


Well-Known Member
Today I went to the patch to clean out some brush and open it up a little more. The top of the Magic bean was eaten by rabbit's. I was going to top it anyways so owell. The spot is clear and good to go. I will start taking out plant's this week.

I didn't have my cam but this is what I imagine it looked like when they found it..



Well-Known Member
Hear are some items I use to grow...
100 Cups $4
Root Stim, Wal-mart $5
81 Pellet's CanadianTire $6-7


Well-Known Member
Pro-Mix {Potting soil} CanadianTire $10-12
Cloning tray loaded with Pellets $5-10


Well-Known Member
I am just starting to sex them but I am sure this ones female.
I might have 1 male out of the batch of 4.
I am hoping for at leased 1 male to breed with my B.C Big Bud.
I might call it B.P.M. {Barny the Purple Monster}

This One is the nicest. Look at this Sexy Bitch......
I love the leaves on this plant they are huge..


And for the people wondering I ordered my Burlap sac's the other day they will be hear monday..... I was having trouble finding them all sold out every where. I think more people are using them this spring...... So for sure next weekend I will show picks of plants in Burlap.....


Well-Known Member
This one was a Mother that I cut to nothing. I took her out last week and left her to nature to care for her. She is pulling back nicely...

This one is a fresh clone rooted about a week ago.. I took her out today..


Well-Known Member
this is a before and after....
BEFORE;This a a pic of my baby at a month old. Before clones and flower..
AFTER;This is a pic of my baby 2 weeks in to flower. After I cut 20-30 clones of her.

I shocked her in to flower with a week of 10h of light. Now she is left in a green house {the one in pic 1} in 16h of natural light to finish budding. {Watch me bud with out 12/12}


Well-Known Member
Still no Burlap.
So I went out today and cleared a new patch beside the other one. I cut all the tree's to ground level and made my holes about a foot and a half deep. I brought 15 clone's for this spot. {All kind's}

This is a pic of the spot before I cleared it. If you look you can see a downed tree that I left there. You can see it in the second pic much clearer
1 before 1.JPG

In this pic you can see cup's. Every where there is a cup there is a plant. {About half done} This is the spot a little clearer. It took 1.1/2 hour's to prep and plant. It is right beside a lake so water is not a problem . The water level is about 2.1/2 feet under the ground level.
1 after 1.JPG
All I took was a shovel a chainsaw and 15 clone's. No fancy soil in this grow just good black earth. I am going to use this spot to see how much better my plants in PRO-MIX do compared to these..


Well-Known Member
I have been out of town working for a few weeks.
I came home to dry fields, But I fixed it with a trip to the stream with some water jugs.
This is a pic of the rabbit proof patch with 2 that I didn't fence in{They made it}
4 of them are in elevated bed's and 1 is in a 2foot hole.


Well-Known Member
My new balcony grow..
This is a pic of a few plants that didn't make it to the forest.
I have at leased 2 of every kind that I have grown this year out there.



Well-Known Member
Hear is a fresh pic of my cross with about 3 weeks to go. I might go 4-5 more weeks.

This bud smells like Vicks vapo rub/cinnamon.{Extra Cinnamon}


[SIZE=+0]Sorry but my camera sucks. It shines like a diamond. Lot's of crystal's.[/SIZE]
:peace: :peace: :peace: :peace: :peace: :peace: :peace: :peace: :peace: :peace: :peace: :peace: :peace: :peace: :peace: :peace: :peace: :peace: :peace: :peace: :peace: :peace: :peace: :peace:


Well-Known Member
Well today is a Rain Day No WORK.....
SO I went out to the patch to do some cleaning and check for rabbits.
:twisted: :twisted: I think I got them all in my freezer. I can't find anymore around...:twisted: :twisted:

The plant are doing well they are all about 3-4 feet tall. So I am taking it that my 2 field's should be about the same.(pic's will come of the big fields) I never checked the spot I cut last month or cleaned out the rabbit's from that location. Wish them luck.

In this spot there is 7 nice plants and a mound of soil with 10 clones in it.
This is the mound i put it in 4 days ago with some stray clones I had floating around..