Sex showing?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys so my plants got some weird little thinks pokeing out of it is this sex starting to show or something else if so what is it??


smokey mcsmokester

Well-Known Member
It's normal growth. When you see a white hair growing behind those "weird little things" then There pre sexing and female to boot...Nothing yet man.:)


Well-Known Member
Well actually, I am. Have to many under 1 light so I'm glad they will start to thin out. Hopefully I can get 2 more out by the end of the week.


Well-Known Member
yeah I have 4 under 1 light lol so I gusse it wouldn't be to bad for a couple to go I just hope it isnt my nice ones I have 1 thats been growing as long as the other so about 6 weeks and its still only like 6 inches tall the others are like 1/12 foot or so