sex question

e4 grower

Active Member
how old does my plant have to be before i can tell the sex and a little more advice on how to tell the diffrence on with the sex's would be helpful

thanks peepz


Well-Known Member
It really depends on the plant and the light cycle. Switching them to 12/12 light can make them show sex quicker but they can show sex in veg too. My shortest times were 2 weeks for 12/12 from seed and 2 months in 18/6 from seed.


Well-Known Member
Kludge is right on, it's mostly genetic how early a strain will show sex I have had plants show sex at 4-5 weeks veg, but this is pretty rare most will take around 2 months or more in veg or 1-3 weeks in flowering before showing signs of sex.


Well-Known Member
If their a bit older, not seedlings, throw them into 12/12, a week or so later you'll see sex. You then can either take cuttings, put them back in veg or continue to flower.

Males have balls females have white hairs.


Well-Known Member
If their a bit older, not seedlings, throw them into 12/12, a week or so later you'll see sex. You then can either take cuttings, put them back in veg or continue to flower.

Males have balls females have white hairs.
I prefer to think of them as blonde hairs, but I guess I might be showing my age, or maybe your showing yours. j/k lol.