Sex determination!



I really need your help in determining the sex of my little ones, they all are in vegetation since 37 days! I tried to take some decent shoots using both my shitty 5MP cam and my new 12,5 LED light magnifyer, it was a pain in the ass but i hope it was worth it ^^
so get ready and prepare for some flower-casting:

Blueberry 1 (aka Stretchy):

Blueberry 2 (aka Ms Fat Booty):

Blueberry 3 (aka Mr Orange):

Chocolope 1 (aka Slowride):

Chocolope 2 (aka Jane):

Chocolope 3 (aka Jada Fire):

Nirvana Special 1 (aka Nero):

Nirvana Special 2 (aka Skeletors Wife):

White Rhino (aka High Towers Wife) BTW what does it mean if the leave tips curl up like this, is she hot or cold:

I hope u guys can help me to sperate my kids.


tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Stick em into flower and see what happens :) Once they are showing sex, if you can't work out what is what ti's time to stop growing :) it's really that black and white. Just as if you saw a dick on a chick you're not gonna be stood thinking but maybe it is a chick :D


So today I checked Jane's internodes again and took a really nice shoot woth my cam and magnifying glass:

so I think i found the mother of my children!

I used to have the lights not close enough, but since they receive lots of love, music and water they survived and just stretched a little ^^
And thanks for the tip top toker, ill throw those rascals n there 2morrow.
Thanks all for the input! +rep!