Several Plants - Different Issues - Need some Reassurance

This is my first real grow.

I have 4 seed in bag plants that I started early january as my test beds for a bunch of northern lights that I started 2-3 weeks ago.

The seed in bag plants have been vegging great guns, as I slowly wormed them on a nute mix of Plant Magic COCO grow of 3ml per litre each and 3ml per litre of plant majic root stim.

Because they are different strains, I found that one of my pkants (seed in bag) didn't like the mix so much, so ran it on a 2/2/2 regime.

I Normally feed once every 2-3 days, though I check the plants daily.

Issue One:
I gave my seed in bag plants a light feed yesterday, but when I checked on them today, two over them had seriously droopy leaves. The have a natural tendency to droop anyhow, as I have a light from the side pointed at them, so the leaves point down to take in the light, but today my plant looked very bad.

Being a rookie, I immediately panicked and fed the drooping ladies, after lifting the pots and finding them very light and also noticing how a gap had developed around the edge of the pot where the coco had contracted from drying out.

Still in rookie mode, I came onto the forum (should have done that first doh!) and checked out the issue, and whittled it down to several things (I think)

1: too much co2. I'd recently prepared a fresh batch of yeast/sugar and left it by the plants in question yesterdat

2: Plant had dried out, and the light watering I gave yesterday had evaporated after a short time.

3: it was too warm. Plants were right next to the side light.

Having checked on the plant that had the most severe drooping, I am already seeing an improvemnent, and the plant seems to have perked up.

Going by this, does my above deductions sound about right?

Issue 2:
I have 10 young northern light plants. All in coco 7L pots, all under the same light and all on exactly the same feed (started on 1/1/1 now up to 2/2/2).

However, I have one plant that just doesn't want to grow and now it's leaves are ging strangely green and look on the verge of death (pics are attached).

I'm really not sure what's causing this, as the other 9 are coming along really well (see comparison shot).

Any advice on this would be gratefully accepted

