setup and carbon filter question


Active Member
im setting up a growbox in a closet 3.5', 2.5', 5'

Im on a pretty low budget so far have

- i plan on growing 4 plants in 3 gallon pots.

- 150w hid
- 3- 23w cfl pland to get 3 more to make 6 23 watts= 138 watts
- 2 - 32 wat cfl
(grand total 351 watts)
- 2 - 32.5 cfm pc fans---1 for exhaust and 1 for either intake or hid bulb cooler or extra exhaust.
I don't kno what the best option is because i plan on having a stationary fan in there as weel tat could blow on the bulb.
- Another option with the second fan i was thinking about could be used to make a carbon filter.. could i use a ducting tube and have carbon in the middle then have a fan on both sides for extra airflow?

Haha here is a quick drawing... im no engineer..

