Setting up new space - advice?


Active Member
The 12'x12' space has three challenges:

1. 6' ceilings, so I am planning on 400 or 600w to avoid burning the plants. Limited room to do a recirculating system, right?

2. No drain, so I am thinking in terms of organic in soil so I won't have to get rid of spent nutrient solution or do lots of flushing... If necessary I could pump spent nutes outside for reuse in a vegetable garden.

3. Space is secure, but the entrance is open to view - I'd prefer not to have to lug in (and out) bags of potting soil. Coco bricks are pretty compact - maybe that would be an idea?

All my grows have been in soil, but I have done a mother in a bucket with clay pellets, and that really worked well - I think I could manage a bigger hydro project - got the pH/EC thing pretty well dialed in. But all those trays and pumps and reservoirs are expensive - that's another consideration.

So the big question: soil or hydro, and if hydro, what type of system would you recommend?

OK, thanks for any advice!


Well-Known Member
Coco if you want to try diff than dirt, quick starter link form a post here coco

W/ hydro and new eqpt comes money... thats all you and how much u want to spend. I know a ton of ppl love SOG