Setting Up New Grow Room Need Help


Active Member
hey everyone..
im currently setting up a new grow room, its 5m long and 3m wide and close to 9-10foot high nice space.. so far im going to divide the room for flower/veg

flower am going to have 6x 600watt hps.. veg maybe 4x 400watt mh? or should i got for a few 1000watts?
this time round am going to go for a dripper system, and thats as far as i got, still gotta work out the rest thought id ask around here.

anyone got any ideas?? also cost wise money is no problem.
strain wise am growing durbain poison,northern lights,white widow,snow white,purple and two of my own strains. also just got my hands on traveling thai so think may give it a go outdoors.

so yes everyone please give us some ideas where to go from here!


Active Member
before you decide on lights you should devise the layout of your room
if you want a walkway between the plants i suggest you get lower watts and put on both sides for beter light distribution if you have a blueprint of the floorplans of your grow room i can be of futher assistance and better advice

need dimensions of flowering room
plan on how floor space with be used in the given dimensions
the goal is to keep arround 10,000 lumens per square foot on you plants
square feet of walking space shouldnt be a priority to cover

1000w shed light on a 6'x6' - 10'x10'
HPS Lumens =150,000
Mh Lumens =95,000

600w will shed light on a 4'x4' to 7'x7'
HPS Lumens =95,000
Mh Lumens =72,000


Active Member
If I got my conversions right (1m = 3.3 ft). you have around 163 sqft of floor space. dividing your 6X600W lights you get 23 watts / sqft.

To me this number seems a little low. Also do you want to make 2 seperate rooms? Maybe have a veg room and then a flowering room so you can get a perpetual grow going. Or you could have 2 flowering room and then have them each switch on on alternating 12/12. So while one room is off the other room is on.

If money is no problem then you should consider getting more lights, and then maybe go stadium style, or vertical grow. get an A/C, large fan, carbon scrubber(s), and a CO2 system.

There is alot of potential. It really depends on what you are willing, and capable of doing, and your budget.


Active Member
The thing about high powered lights is u can only put so many on 1 circiut ..... 1 15 amp circiut in good condition can handle aprox 1700 watts (115v x 15a) 6 x 600 watt =3600watts(more than 2 circiuts) + 4 x 400 watt = 1600 (1 circuit) plus all ur pumps and extras so to do it without burning down a house u have to get the juice in there